Chapter 10 : Panic Attack

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Raven's P.O.V.

"What happened this time Ryan ?" Sir sighed.

Ryan stood at the door, smiling nervously. He scratched his neck and smirked a little.

"Sir, Dog gave birth" He blurted out.

Whole class started laughing including me. Sir looked at him in disbelief.

"So ?" Sir asked him crossing his hand on his chest.

Ryan looked at Sir in disbelief "So ? So sir I have to go to there"

"Why ? Atleast let Dog live its life. Don't interfere in its life atleast" Sir sarcastically smiled at him.

"No Sir, I had to go there" He said seriously.

"Why ?" Sir asked.

"Because that Dog belongs to my girlfriend, sir" He said seriously.

"Oh no ! Not again" Sir exclaimed frustrated.

"But Sir, I know you can't understand this. You don't have girlfriend, right ?" He fake pouted to which whole class laughed.

"GO AND SIT" Sir yelled at him.

He smirked and sit beside me.

Well, from that day we both sit together in this class. Why ? Because, Sir said and I quote "This is the permanent seating arrangement for all of you and you have to sit like this for atleast 6 months"

'I mean seriously, this is not a school but a college'

I sighed.

Stupid rules.

And from that day my life is annoying as hell by sitting beside Ryan. Not because only, he is annoying the hell out of me but because his fangirls are more dangerous than him.

Whole lecture this dimwit annoy me and after lectures, his fangirls are threatening me.

It's not like I am willing to sit beside this nutshell.

I sighed.

I am busy in doodling on my notebook because this lecture is boring.

Every lectures are !

My eyes caught something.

A wrist.

A bruised wrist.

I frowned.

Bruise on Ryan Denmark's wrist ? Isn't it impossible ?

'Don't you think you are overreacting ?'

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Mind your own business" I flinched due to sudden sharpness in his voice.

I realised that I was staring at his wrist for too long. I looked at Ryan only to see him giving me deadly glare.

I gulped and again started scribbling on my notebook, totally ignoring the beast beside me.

Idiot ! What the hell did he think of himself !

I scoffed.

"Stop scoffing" He gritted his teeth.

"Stop gritting" I mocked him.

He glared at me.

"Stop glaring" I smirked.


"Stop talking" Sir cutted him sternly.

I controlled my giggles while he sighed frustratedly.

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