Chapter 88 : Rescue

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Author's P.O.V.

"What ?" Ryder's head snapped towards Ryan.

Ryan sighed and nodded.

"How ?" Ryder whispered.

"Because of this-" He whispered pointing towards his locket with his chin. Ryder frowned but nodded.

"I know they will surely go to X-34 street and then there, they will find my phone and then they can track us."

"But, but how is your phone there-"

"Ryder, when David and Marcus were talking and laughing together, I knew we were trapped so I already wrote a message but before I could send it I felt a pain in my body and I threw that phone away from these guys' eye" He explained.

"So you decide to become a badgirl, kitten ?" Their heads snapped towards David as their eyes hardened again.

Raven pouted and shook her head.

"I am not a badgirl, Uncle. I always listened to my brothers" She said determined.

"And for that you will get punishment" David smirked.

Raven whimpered hugging Ryder more tightly.

"Noo, I don't want punishment"

"You have to"

Raven hide her face in Ryder's chest. She could hear Ryder's rapid heart beatings.

"Wake another bitch up"

Nancy nodded and Alice threw water on Pari.

Pari groaned with still eyes closed.

"Heyy wake up, bitch" Grace slapped her cheeks to woke her up.

Pari groaned slowly opening her one eye. Eventually opening her both eyes, she looked at her surrounding.

Her eyes widened when she saw Ryder and Ryan tied with iron chains and Raven who kept hugging Ryder.

"R-Rav" She whispered.

"Yeah that's your bestfriend" Alice smirked.

"And you will see how she is gonna die" Grace chuckled.

"NO. LEAVE HER YOU FUCKERS" Pari yelled struggling with ropes.

They laughed.

"Go and bring her here" David ordered his men.

"Rav, come behind me" Ryder whispered in Raven's ear and immediately nodding her head, she hide behind Ryder's back.

Two men came towards Ryder. But before they could come any closer, Ryder and Ryan kicked them hardly. They fall down because of force and groaned due to pain.

David gritted his teeth as he signalled others too.

Ryder and Ryan kept kicking them with their legs, totally avoiding any men near their sister.

Raven giggled clapping her hands excitedly.

David clenched his jaw seeing how those two are not letting anyone near Raven. Their hands are tied but not their legs.

Pari whistled as Raven's eyes snapped towards her.

Because of fight, no one noticed that how Pari signalled Raven to come near her. Raven grinned hearing whistles.

For her, whistles are always fascinating.

She ran towards Pari.

"I also want to whistle but I don't know how" Raven pouted.

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