12. Tom Meeting Your Parents:

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☆ Tom pretends he's not nervous, but he is

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☆ Tom pretends he's not nervous, but he is

☆ He's really happy that you want him to meet them though, because that means it's serious

☆ He definitely asks a lot of questions and you have to keep reassuring him

☆ He makes sure to look extra clean and neat, wanting to make a good impression, but not wanting to look like he tried too hard

☆ You hold his hand and do the talking when you introduce him, wanting to make him feel more comfortable

☆ He smiles charmingly and refers to them by formal titles (it's the cop in him, on top of his nerves lol)

☆ "It's nice to meet you, Sir/Ma'am. I'm Tom." *firm handshake*

☆ They seem to be rather impressed by his manners and how he treats you, and they tell him he doesn't have to call them by those titles

☆ He's a little shy after that, but he laughs it off and then he slowly starts to relax as things get much less tense

☆ Your parents love him and they can tell he really loves you. They feel comfortable with your relationship because they feel that "he can protect you from creeps"

☆ Your mom thinks he's absolutely adorable!

☆ He seems to pretty much win them over, being very socially intelligent. Tom is good at being respectful, yet having a good sense of humor as well

☆Afterwards he tells you that he thinks it went pretty well. You tell him it did and you both continue to talk about it on the drive home, laughing at moments that were awkward and being happy that everything was fine over all ❤️

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