9. Exhausted

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Tom comes home tired from a case so you help him relax (FLUFF) 🥰

It was close to nine, around the time Tom usually came home from work. You had already taken care of dinner, so you didn't really have much to do. Usually, when you were done with everything and he wasn't home yet, you would watch TV or read a book while you waited. You turned on the television and lost yourself in the cheesy events of whatever sitcom that was on at this hour.

A few minutes later, you heard the familiar click of the door as it unlocked and Tom walked inside, placing his keys on the hook and closing the door behind him.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Hey, y/n."

You turned around from your spot on the couch. "Hey, baby."

Tom took off his jacket and dropped his things on to the floor, then sat down on the couch next to you. He laid his head back and closed his eyes.

"Long day?"


You took a long look at him. Tom was always tired after work , but today was more so than usual. His hair was a little messy, as though he'd ran his hands through it multiple times. His shirt was all wrinkled and one of the sleeves were rolled up while the other one was down. He had dark circles under his eyes. He looked like a mess.

"Hey, you look really tired, Tom. Are you hungry?"

He opened his eyes and shook his head. "No, Doug and I grabbed some tacos earlier so I'm good. Did you eat?"

You smiled. Tom always put others above himself. Especially when it came to his relationship with you. He would always make sure you had everything you needed, even if he had things he needed too. You adored that about him, but sometimes you felt that he should take care of himself as well.

"Yes, I did."

Satisfied, he closed his eyes again. "Good. I wouldn't want you to wait for me."

You attempted to fix his hair, but it was sort of greasy. It needed to be washed. So instead, you began massaging his shoulders, trying to relieve the tension in his muscles.

"What are you doing?" He asked, chuckling.

"Turn around so I can get this knot out."

Tom slowly turned around and you continued on his shoulders. You rubbed you thumbs in circles under his shoulder blades back and forth. Then you began to do similar motions on his neck as well.

"Wow...that feels really good..." He said, letting out a deep exhale. You could feel his body relaxing under your touch.

You liked doing this for him. You liked taking care of him for once. Then suddenly you had an idea.

"Hey, Tommy, would you like me to draw you a bath?"

He opened his eyes and turned around. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I just thought it would be relaxing, and it would make you feel all nice and clean before we go to bed."

He looked a bit hesitant.

"Okay..." He said after a moment.

"Great! I'll be right back." You quickly got up and sped to the bathroom before he changed his mind. You turned on the faucet and put a stopper on the drain, allowing the bath to fill up with warm water. Then you reached into the cabinet under the sink, grabbed your bottle of vanilla scented bubble bath and poured it in. The bath soon filled up with soapy bubbles and it smelled amazing.

You made sure there were clean towels ready and filled a bucket of water for his hair. You put the bucket on the floor next to the tub. Then you went back to your boyfriend, who was still sitting on the couch.

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