3. Jealous

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Imagine Tom seeing you flirt with another guy while you're undercover and feeling a little jealous 🤭

It was a simple case really. All you had to do was act like a naive, impressionable high school girl so that you could make a buy on some crack and bust Jason Stantoni for selling it. There was really nothing to it.

You and your boyfriend Tom just had to get close enough to this guy to do that. You were both undercover as students at Westview High. Tom was a little gangster who was gonna try and get in with the troubled crowd, and you were supposed to be the innocent girl who gets pressured into this by Tom and his friends. You both figured this little role play would make it easier to make the buy, since Jason would get a kick out of corrupting a sweet, pretty girl. You two had planned this out the minute you walked out of Fuller's office, right after being assigned to the case.

However, now as you stood here, behind the school, near the concrete basketball court, you realized it wasn't exactly going the way you had expected. Too well, in fact.

Jason must have had a thing for naive girls, because he was eating up your act. Tom stood there, not so gently persuading you to try some crack. You were dressed in a preppy girl outfit, a pink and white pinstripe dress colored dress with buttons and a small brown belt around your waist, and brown boots. It was pretty cute, and Tom had told you multiple times as you two were driving to school how absolutely adorable you looked in it. That, and how he wished the dress had been shorter (which earned him an eye-roll and a smack on the arm).

"Come on," Tom said, putting his hand on your shoulder as you pretended to shift nervously. "All the cool kids are doing it. Don't you wanna be in with the popular crowd?"

Jason let out an amused laugh. He was enjoying this better than you two had thought.

Tom smirked and raised his eyebrows. He looked pretty hot in this outfit, you had to admit. He was dressed in a black leather jacket, plain undershirt, jeans, and black leather boots, along with a pair of dark shades. He chewed his gum with a cocky expression.

"Oh, um, I don't know

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"Oh, um, I don't know..." You said shyly. "I'm not so sure it's a good idea. What if I get in trouble?"

"All the more reason to take the risk, babe," Jason said, walking over to you smoothly. "But, I mean, if you're too pristine to be associated with something like this, I completely understand." He put his hand to his chest in a mocking gesture.

"Oh no, that's not-"

"Hmm, I guess you're just to good for it."

He began walking away, and you looked to Tom worriedly. You couldn't just let him walk away.

"Wait!" You called out.

He slowly turned around. "What?"

"You've got the wrong idea, I wanna try it."

He smirked like he had something up his sleeve. "Alright then, prove it."

"What do I need to do?" You asked cautiously.

"Nothing crazy," he walked back towards where you were standing. "I just want a date, that's all." He finished innocently.

There was nothing innocent about the way he was smirking at you, however. You could tell he thought he was some kind of hot shot.

"Well...that doesn't sound too bad." You said slowly, trying to gain his favor.

"Yeah? You'd be into that?" He asked, clearly amused with himself.

"Sure, I'd like that..." You said, twiddling your fingers. Okay, so you were flirting a little. But only to make the buy. And he initiated it.

Tom looked like he was trying to keep cool, but you could see in his eyes that he was feeling protective. You knew you'd be fine though. You had your gun in your bag, and Jason wasn't such a threat. Plus Tom was standing right there.

"Well then honey, you've got yourself a deal." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ziploc bag, halfway full of white powder. He handed it to you with a smirk, and you made some eyes at him to lead him on. As soon as you had tasted it, confirming it was crack, you nodded at Tom.

"Hey Jason, wanna know another good deal?" Tom said, pulling out his badge. You did the same.

"What? You guys are cops?"

"Yup," you confirmed, smiling at him.

"You're under arrest," Tom said, as he put him in cuffs and began reading him his rights.

Right then, Ioki pulled up with an official police car to take Jason in. Once Tom had gotten him in the back seat, Jason looked over at you one more time.

"This is really too bad. I was so looking forward to that date with you, babe." He raised his eyebrows at you.

"Awe...bye, Jason," you replied, feigning pity as Tom slammed his door shut. You both waved as they pulled out of the school parking lot.

"So, wanna get some milkshakes? I feel like it will be fun dressed like this. It'll be like we're in Grease or something."

Tom nodded quietly, which was odd. You thought he'd appreciate your idea a little more.

"What's wrong?" You asked, looking at him with concern.

"Oh...nothing," he smiled, trying to convince you that it wasn't a big deal. You weren't buying it though.

"Come on, just tell me."

"It's just that kid, I didn't like how forward he was, trying to make a move on you like that. What a little creep."

You nodded. "Yeah he was too confident," you said, chuckling. "But he's gone now."

"Still, it bothers me. And then putting you in a position where you had to flirt back, ugh."

You grinned at that. "Awee, is someone a little jealous?" You asked, pinching Tom's cheek.

Tom seemed bashful as he looked down.

"I guess I just don't like seeing my girl flirt with anyone else

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"I guess I just don't like seeing my girl flirt with anyone else. Especially not little juvie punks like him."

You giggled. He was so cute.

"Baby, you know I don't have eyes for anyone but you."

"I know, I know."

You gently pulled him closer to you and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you back passionately. Then he put an arm around your shoulder and began walking towards the other side of the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" You asked amusedly.

"To get milkshakes." He said simply.

You smiled up at your big dork of a boyfriend as you both walked to his car.

A little silly and cliche' I know but it was fun to write.

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