First Years: Break-Ups

Start from the beginning

"My wand, where's my wand?" Ron asked, looking around. He found Harry's first and used it on his best friend.

"Seriously Ron I'm starting to think we need to stop taking these girls' trips. You guys get more out of hand when we leave you than when you guys leave us." Ginny sighed, looking for Ron's wand.

"Rennervate" Ron said, pointing the wand at Harry. His best friend finally woke up.

"Ow." Harry said, rubbing the back of his head. "That hurts."

"No shit." Ginny mumbled. "You only drank a bottle and a half of firewhiskey between the two of you."

"Harry! Harry I'm so sorry, I tried to get him. I missed and hit you instead." Ron said, checking him.

"Who's him?" Harry asked, still disoriented.

"Merlin's beard. Rosie!" Ron said, getting more flashbacks by the second. "Ginny check the room! Make sure she's still in there. I told them not to leave the room while he was in here. He attacked us. The girls!"

Ron scrambled up and tried to leave the office, it was locked shut and it wouldn't budge. "Oh for fucks sake! Why won't this open? Shit. The kid! Where's the other kid? He was petrified then Hermione put him to sleep. He was just here!"

"Ron what the hell you twat, are you still drunk?" Ginny asked.

"Check the bloody room Ginny! Check and make sure Rosie's still safe, and Jisoo! Check for Jisoo!" Ron said as he tried doing spell after spell on the office door to open it. He needed to catch him. Harry didn't seem to remember anything. They let the man that attacked them get away. He failed Hermione. He probably took the other girls and the Park kid.

"Okay okay." Ginny said, because her brother looked way too panicked, she figured she'd pacify him. Harry gingerly picked himself up off the ground.

Ginny opened the door to find Jisoo holding a crying Rosie.

"Auntie Ginny!" Rosie said immediately, she felt Jisoo's arms finally loosening from around her waist. Jisoo spent the entire time trying to get Rosie to calm down and not cry and holding her back so she wouldn't leave the room.

Rosie wasted no time to rush Ginny and almost tackle her with the force of her hug.

"Where is everyone auntie? Is everyone okay? Please tell me they're okay! Please tell me she didn't kill them!"

"Who? Who's okay?" Ginny asked in confusion. "Who's she?"

Rosie was sobbing too hysterically to speak so Jisoo cut in.

"We were in the office with our friends professor. A lot of things happened tonight. Jennie and Rosie both got attacked so Professor Granger went to go check the castle and left your husband and your brother here to keep us safe and a woman broke into the office and attacked us."

Ginny pulled her wand out too. She closed the door behind her quickly.

"Were they drinking?" Ginny asked, because Ron had just said a man had attacked them and the girls just said the opposite and it was not adding up.

Especially because she had just spoken to Harry before coming here, albeit only briefly but he didn't seem drunk at all when he summoned her so the fact he was passed out and smelled of firewhiskey just like Ron didn't make sense.


"Harry and Ron, were they drinking while they kept guard?"

"No." Jisoo said immediately. Not seeing how that was relevant.

"Harry said something about a potion, but he didn't specify. He wanted to tell me in person just in case. Do you both know what he was talking about?"

Rosie nodded as she sniffled but she couldn't help but ask again. "Are they okay? Are my friends okay? Lisa and Jennie, are they hurt?"

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