Charpter Two - New beginnings

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Kaya POV

"Kaya, can you please wipe down table three and five." Looking up I smile and nod .. "sure Harlow no worries." finishing filling the salt bottle and walk to get spray and rag for the tables. I have been in Dunedin near Tampa for about a month now and it has been the most freeing and settling for me,

Harlow is the owner of the diner that is a typical fifty's style with the red and white stripped booth and red tables also has a u shaped count in the middle the only unique thing about the place is the Harley Davidson and Club memorabilia.
Harlow also help me get a one bedroom flat down the road.
She is about 5"4 and long straight black hair, she is in her mid to late forties but looks like she is in her early thirties.

She is a real straight shooter, funny as hell and kind makes me feel cared for, which is a really strange feeling to have! The biggest bonus is she doesn't ask questions or give me shit when I stutter, When her 'boys' come in (that's what she calls them ) she has them all laughing. They treat her with so much respect, it confuses me a little as I never had a man treat me with respect or kindness!

There actually grown men who ride Harley's, smoke and swear like troopers. They freaked me out the first few weeks I was here (well ok if I being honest with myself then they still do!) But none of them have ever touched me or spoken harshly to me, they kinda calm down whenever I am at there tables. Like they think I'm going to drop something and run screaming for the hills... ok both might have happened already but I am trying to relax around them.

As I bend to wipe the second table, the bell rings over the door letting me know a new customer is walking in. Calling out... "take a seat anywhere I'll be with you in a moment" as I look up Sheriff Mills is taking a seat at the counter.

"Afternoon Sheriff Mills"..... "Good afternoon to you too miss Kaya! How are you today hun?"
I smile and walk behind the counter to take his order . "I'm great sheriff thanks for asking, you had a busy day ?" He looks at me with a comforting smile "it's been a smooth day beside the Campbells dog eating Mrs Whites undergarments off the line!" I look at him trying to keep a straight face until Harlow pops her head outa the kitchen and saying "well that old Betty always has her nickers in a twist, maybe rugger was just trying" ...... "oh lord no!!" butting in so I don't have to hear the end of that comment..
"what's your poison today sheriff ?" The three of us laugh, "A coffee and maybe some rhubarb pie please Miss Kaya."

A little while later I here the pipes of several Harleys coming towards the diner. I look out the window as a group of bikes pull in. I walk out back to take the trash out and Harlow call out to me.
"Hey Kaya don't run out back and hide you have to get to know the locals sooner or later" I turn and look at her... my hands are shaking and I feel nervous .... "I..I'm ... n..not!" She gives me her dead pan look calling bullshit! I shy and turn to take the rubbish out. I know.. I need to relax, they're Harlows family they can't be that bad but I just can't get over my nerves when they are so loud and boisterous.

As I walk back in I hear high pitched giggling and I cringe. They have the girls with them today and those chicks are evil..
As I get to the counter I here them talking ... "oh she still here wonder what the mouse will break today?" "Or who she will spill coffee on" they both cackle like hyenas.... I keep my head down and walk to the first table... to the second table where their are four men sitting at the first booth ... "H..hi Ggg..uys!" 'Deep breath,' I tell myself.. "WwHat... can I Gget... you?" I struggle to make direct eye contact, and my hands are beginning to shake.

The two older guys smile! One has salt and pepper short hair with a kind smile and the other has light brown hair with grey eyes that always look like there looking into your soul.. "hey Kaya we will have the specials thanks." "Would you like any drinks with that?"

They both tell me there drink orders and I look to my left at two younger men but still older than my nineteen years. One has a dark brown long hair in a low pony tale and he never looks at you and damn sure never smiles the other looks just like the older man sitting accross from him except he has jet black hair and these amazing grey eyes and his smile is also kind but there is something mischievous to it.

As I wait for the two younger ones give me there orders, Harlow comes up and kisses her man on the lips ( older guy with brown hair with the grey eyes ) "Kaya, I would like to properly introduce you to my old man" she pats the older guy on the head. "This is Danny," she then points to younger grey eyes "And this is Steel... boys, this is Kaya."
Steel looks and me and smile " how you doing sweetheart?" I blush and put my head down feel shy at his endearment. "I'll have a steak, medium rare, fried eggs and fries and a chocolate shake thanks darlin"

I can feel the heat rising in my checks I smile and try to find my voice when Salt and and pepper laughs "Harlow ... what are we chop liver? The name's Demon sweetheart and this is Killer!" He's points at grumpy.
Before I can think words just come flying out "Name suits!!" Harlow starts laughing and looks to Demon "Now Demon why would I introduce your two perverted minds two sweet Kaya"
Demon laugh a full belly laugh
Then for first time Killer looks at me... and I kind wish he hadn't, I get chills down my spine if looks could kill... I would be dead! "I'll get the special and coffee!"  then looks back out the window.

"I..I Ww..ill G..get your drinks!" I turn to rush off but the booth next to me with the evil bitches! One has her leg out and I go flying forward straight down on my hands and knees I let out a small cry from the pain and fright I hear the girls giggling  but before I can process  true panic set in when I feel someone behind me scooping me up by the waist.. "PLEASE STOP!!! LET ME GO!!!" I scream, fighting to get free... The person releases me and I turn to see it's Steel... but in my panic and trying to get away I stumble backwards but I don't fall, Steel has already reached out and grab my arm... "whoa there... Kaya it's ok ... calm down!.... Are you ok?" Steel asks, I quickly pull my arm back breathing heavily, knowing I won't be able to talk so race out back into the toilet to get some space and to catch my breath I can feel a panic attack coming on and that would be so humiliating..

As I am standing in the bathroom washing my face and trying take deep breathe I hear the door open and look to see it's Harlow "Kaya are you ok?
Can I do anything to help you calm down?" I shake my head as I keep thinking to myself over and over .... Green grass grows in pastures... Green grass grows in pastures....
Closing my eyes I think of what that looks like big wide open space rolling hills of green. Finally starting to calm a little ...

"Darl can you explain to me what just happened out there! I want to help and make sure it never happens again" tears well in my eyes as I look at Harlow
"I...I..I" taking a deep breath ... "I'm Ss..oorry..."
She sakes her head and I can see shes concerned and I can also see pity ... and I hate pity!!! Nothing worse than someone pitying you... "P-pl..ease don't pity me"
I shy and turn to wash my face .. Harlow slaps her hand down on the sink next to me .. making me jump... I look at her with surprise and fright "you listen hear girly .. I do not pity you!! I'm sorry you got such a fright out there and I'm worried about you but I do not pity you.. you are so much better than someones pity and you have shown me that since day one... are we clear !!" I node my head as she continues.. "now I know you find things hard and struggle with certain thing! But I am here to help you and hope you can overcome them..." I nod my head tears welling in my eyes...

Thinking how to best explain how what happened and what had me freaked out... "I....I'm nervous around Mm..en and loud N..noises and I really don't like being touched I..It M...makes me F..Freak O...out. I...I've not H..had it easy ...A..Aand some B..bad thing that happened that make me reactive ... I'm trying to work on them but it's hard and unnoticed touches set off panic.."
I'm glad I got that all out and over and hope to the lord she doesn't ask any questions..

Harlow gives me a sad smile then pulls me into a hug.
"Kaya would you believe me if I told you I was a lot like you before I meet Danny and Havoc MC but the took me in made me feel like I had a family and safety. No one has ever hurt me or made me feel scared and I hope! ... no I know that we can be that for you too... if you would like that?"

I give a shy smile and nod my head " think I would like that Harlow... I never had family before"

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