New Greetings, New Beatings

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The way that this is going to go is a tad bit different than I had first thought, but I think it'll work out. I know this will be weird, but please just bare with it. Also this story switches between 3rd POV and 1st POV of Hunter. I kept blanking out and didn't notice. Have fun-

When I had finally come to my senses, the cell was still dark and damp, nothing had changed. As I looked around I saw all the painful reminders of who knows how long ago. I don't know how long I had been out for, but there was already daylight outside.

All I could do was rethink everything that had happened in my life up to this point, though there wasn't much to think about that seemed "exciting" or anything.

Though... that might not be 100% true anymore. All the time I spent with those kids at the school, and with Eda, Luz, and King... I actually have something I want to remember!

I started to zone out, as a tactic to try and numb the pain from the untreated wounds, when I heard some sort of grumbling from the far corner of the room. I just stared at it for a second, hoping it was just my imagination.

But then it happened again, this time a bit louder. I backed up into the corner as much as possible praying to titan it was really just my imagination making me go mad.

But then I saw it...

From the far corner of the room, there were a pair of dark eyes staring back into my dark red ones. It made me shiver. "H-hello? Who *cough* Who's there?" I said wearily, hoping I could make peace with whatever was here with me.

Then I started hearing some other sort of noise from the same... thing in the corner of the room, it sounded in pain, or almost as if wishing to be heard.

I placed my right arm behind me in an attempt to prop myself up, I slid back down the wall again, and tried again, and finally got to my knees, then to my feet. I then let go of the wall.

I was a bit wobbly on my feet at first but then I got my footing. I made small steps towards whatever was in here with me, holding my right hand out in case I needed to defend myself or if I was to fall so I could catch myself.

I heard shuffling, as if it was scooting farther and farther into the corner of the room.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I know, I'm scared too but I just want to know if you're okay? Please don't hurt me." I said the last part in a whisper, to which I think it heard me because then I heard a slow grumble sound, not the same pained or angered sound from before, this one sounded more... open, or kind.

The closer I got the harsher the sounds got, so I stopped moving. All I did was sit down where I had stood and laid my right hand on the floor to prop myself up. "Take all the time you want, I won't move an inch. There isn't much else for me to do anyways..." was all I said as I just sat there... waiting... waiting for something to happen.

After a few minutes (I think) the thing finally started scooting closer to me, and I was slowly able to make out what the being looked like. Once it was about 6 feet from me, I was able to see part of its face... or should I say her face?

I had a hard time trying to figure out what I was looking at exactly, but then it clicked.

I was seeing Eda, but not? I think this was Eda's "monster form" or something, Luz had only brought it up once or twice. When I got a closer look at the rest of her I noticed that there were some wound marks all over her body and wings. I slowly stood up hoping to not trigger her, which I didn't thankfully.

As I moved farther back I could see the injuries in full glory, there were deep wounds in the center of the torso and some not so nice injuries on the left wing, guess that makes us twins. I tore off part of the cape I had on and slowly tried to apply it to her wounds, but she flinched away.

Captured and in Pain *A Hunter Angst Story*Where stories live. Discover now