Contemplating what to do

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It's been I think a few hours now and I have continued to keep digging and digging into the small hole in the wall. It was my only light source and also a sort of escape route. I needed to make this hole wider if I wanted Flap to be able to go out and send for help. 

But now that I think about it... Who would want to come and save me? All I've done to other people is hurt them. I haven't done anything good other than do "good" for the Emperor.  Belos is a horrible person and I regret ever looking up to him. But at the same time, I have to thank him. He raised me and took care of me. But now I see that I am as disposable as any other scout in his eyes.
But seriously, who would want to save me? I ignored the Blight's kind offering of taking me in and working alongside the right side, but all I did was turn it away and try to please my uncle again. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I had a chance to make up for my mistakes and I denied it. And now I'm stuck here without anyone to come here and save me. Some people might say I helped them out, but I bet they are lying, just like everyone else who has ever said I've helped them.

I kept digging while hating myself knowing that my hands were starting to bleed from digging straight into concrete.  I don't care at this point though, all I care about is getting out of this cell and telling people about what is going to happen on the Day of Unity. Those people don't deserve death, they've done nothing wrong! (most of them anyways...) Belos has been torturing everyone for long enough and I want to be the one to put a stop to his plans. 
But the question is... Will I have the guts to do it if the time comes? Will I have the heart to end Belos if it came down to it? That I don't know and hope not to find out. I mean he has ended some other lives before, there shouldn't be much of a difference, right?

Back to focus, I need to focus! I have to get this done before Belos comes back, whenever that is. I stop digging and look at my hands. My nails were cracked in places they shouldn't and there was blood all over them, yet I couldn't feel the pain. Perhaps I became too numb to notice, or my mind is just that distracted. I slowly look around for Flapjack, where could they be hiding?
I look to the farthest corner from me and see a dark blob of red. My vision isn't that clear but I think I could make out that that was Flapjack. 

"Hey Flap, can you come over here for *cough* *cough* a-a moment?" I say quietly and sorely. He slowly hops over to me looking more nervous and scared than I had ever seen them. I felt sort of bad, they didn't deserve to be seeing all of this but I guess this was just fait. I slowly reach my arms out to grab Flap when my left arm shoots up with pain, I immediately pull away and hold my arm. Oh yeah, forgot my arm was probably fractured or broken.

"Flap? Can you fit through this hole okay? If not I'll make it bigger." I say hushed. I got a tiny and quiet chirp from Flapjack. They flew ever so slowly up to the hole I had dug and few through it. Good, it was big enough. But now how to get the message out to someone? I looked around the cell, not surprised to not see anything to use to write and wrap.
That's when it hit me. I have the tools I need! I look at my tattered and patched blue cape and my blooding hands.

I tore off a square of my cape and laid it down where the light was shining the most. I then slowly traced my bloody right pointer finger over the cloth to start writing out words. It wasn't very clear, but I think whoever gets this will be able to understand. On the cloth, it said, "Castle. Deepest Cellar. Unity Bad. Help." in blood. Hopefully, it wasn't too disturbing... though it's the only thing I got.

I pat the ground next to me signaling for Flapjack to come next to me, and they do just that. Once Flap was next to me I slowly reach for their right leg to wrap the folded cloth around. They seemed a little uncomfortable but there was nothing I could do about it. Once I confirmed that the cloth was on firmly I picked up Flap in my right hand and raised them to the hole. This might be the last time I see them, though I hope it's not.

"Alright Flap, this might be my last request but it's very important to me. I need you to go fly out of here and seek help. If you can't find anyone, make sure the people at least get to know about what is going to happen during the Day of Unity. If this is our last goodbye then I just want to say thank you so much for being my first friend, you've helped me so much and when you go to another witch, I hope you do the same you've done for me. Thank you again Flap, hope to see you soon." 

I had tears running down my face by now but I didn't care, I needed to make sure that my goodbye got through that tiny skill of theirs. They chirped and tweeted in protest but I just shook my head. I had my mind made up and they couldn't change it. We spent a few more minutes just quietly talking before they finally flew away. 

I wiped away the rest of my tears as I realized I was going to have to put a ton of this concrete back to make it look like nothing happened. I picked up some of the crumbled concrete and spat on it to make it damp so I could morph it back into the state it had been before I took it apart.

It took a few hours but I got it back to near perfection to how it was before. I finally scooted up against the wall away from the hole in the wall. As my vision and hearing started to fade out from lack of rest, my left arm volts with pain again which caused a slight whimper to escape. I just rested my head on the wall as I let the pain go, hoping it would pass soon. 

But then I hear footsteps from down the hall. I listened closely to see if they were coming near my cell. I silently prayed to Titan that they weren't. The footsteps continued on and on, then eventually they slowly faded away from his hallway. I just sat there staring at the cell door as the sun slowly started to set making the room get darker and darker.  This made me worry a bit, but also thought it might be a good idea to get some rest.
My eyes slowly started to close as the sun set and the moon began to rise. 

As I was going to sleep, I noticed something or someone slip into my cell, but it was too late for me to do anything about it. My eyes fully shut and all my senses faded out with it.

Captured and in Pain *A Hunter Angst Story*Where stories live. Discover now