Worst morning of my life

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I was captured...

Out of all the things that could have happened to me... I got captured. And I know this time it won't be good at all.

I saw into Belos's mind, I know the truth, ran away, and told people about what was going to happen in a few weeks, about the Day of Unity. I have done so many things, and now I have to pay the price.

I used to think that whenever I did something wrong, the punishment I received was the correct way to forgive what I had done, but now I see that that is nowhere near true. So now I am stuck in the worst place to be, a place where only the worst criminals go. The dark part of the dungeon. Only the Emperor had access to this part of the dungeons, and I was in it.

The punishment I had heard that was received here was something I hoped I would never have to endure, but here I am! A tiny 3-inch hole in the wall gives a small amount of light, just enough to know your left hand from your right hand.

Just as I was starting to zone out completely, the door to my cell opens, and in walks Belos. His glowing blue eyes pierced into my soul, making me shake in fear of what is to come to me. I backed up as far into the corner as I could. I won't let him touch me!

"Ah dear Hunter, look at what you have gotten yourself into. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. The Titan had such big plans for you, but now you have made both of us very disappointed. For all your wrongdoings you'll have to have a proper punishment. I wished to never see you in this place, but now I seem to not have a choice."

Before I even got the chance to say something, his hand turned into a dark green goo and shot at me. I felt the gooey substance on me as it wrapped around me. Slowly my legs lifted off the ground as I tried to resist to no avail. "Put me down!" I yelled. I was fearing for my life at this point.

In the blink of an eye, I felt pain run from the back of my skull to my heels. And the pain just kept returning, and again, and again. Belos continued to bash my battered body into the corner of the room until he threw me over to the side causing me to hit the wall with so much force. I then heard a crack come from my right left arm as I collided with the wall.

My body slid down the wall and I slumped on the floor, feeling pain in every joint in my body. I was bleeding from the back of my head and my arm had been fractured. My vision was blurry as tears were streaming down my face from all the pain.

"This is just the beginning Hunter. The days to come will be oh so much worse. Also, no food until Sunday. Maybe we will add a matching scar to your other ear and the side of your face. Hope this teaches you a lesson. Enjoy your time here and see you tomorrow." Belos stated as he closed the door to the cell.

I scooted to the very back corner of the cell and just curled up into a ball and just cried. There was nothing more I could do, so I just sat there and cried.

Luckily though he never noticed Flapjack who had been hiding in the corner behind the door to avoid being seen. That was all I need right now, to make sure that Flapjack and everyone else were safe and well, better me than them.

Once Belos had gone Flapjack came out of hiding and flew over to me perching on my uninjured shoulder and rubbing its face into my cheek trying to comfort me without making any sounds to alert Belos that Flap was in the cell with me.

I just kept staring at the cell walls imagining what the future held for me, nothing good as far as I knew. How would I get out? There is no exit to get out of, and if I get battered and beaten every day I won't have the strength to escape.

That's when I got an idea, the hole in the wall! If I was able to make it a little bit bigger, I could send Flap out and send a message to someone to come and help me. I just hope it would work.

I scooted over to the hole in the wall and stood up weakly, balancing on my left leg. I peered through the hole and noticed that it was a hole that lead straight outside. I needed to send a note out somehow. I glanced around until my eyes landed on my pant legs. If I tore the threads in the right way I could write a letter that Flap would send out! Gosh, I'm still a genius near death.

I slowly raised my hands to the hole and slowly began to start digging into it to make it larger. This process will take quite a while but I have a feeling it will be well worth it in the end.

Captured and in Pain *A Hunter Angst Story*Where stories live. Discover now