2 days before

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A/N So I changed the name because I thought it fit better I hope you guys like it. People seem to like this story if you have any feedback please feel free to share!! sorry if anything seems rushed I'm doing my best. Again any typos or miss spells will be fixed one day idk know when 

Today already sucks

For starters, I only got about an hour of sleep last night. And when I woke up I got a text from Bose telling me he wanted to talk to me—a great way to start my day.

Now I'm sitting at the table at 5 in the morning cuz the beast wanted to wake us all up to have a 'nice family' breakfast.
So here I am forcing down a piece of toast. While I listened to Carol complain.

Kill. Me. Now.

It was like this for about 30 minutes until this dumpster of a woman said my name

"Lulu" I look up at my aunt and then at my mom, mom knows I hate that name.
"What" I scowl

"So I was looking in my purse this morning a noticed I was missing some money. Do you know anything about it?" Yes

"How much are you missing?" I asked


Me and Sage look at each other and scrunch our faces. "Who keeps 100$ in their purse?" Sage questions.
I add "Yeah don't you have a credit card? Having 100$ just in your wallet is just asking for it to get stolen."

"I don't trust credit cards" she announces with pride. Me, Sage, and Mom are all trying not to laugh, " ok well do whatever you think is right I guess"

"Don't play dumb child you probably took it. With the way you dress, I wouldn't be surprised if you spent it on weed"

I am astounded at this woman's logic.
"Totally, I am a weed-smoking, Coke-snorting, drug addict. Cuz what else would I do in my free time."

"Carol she didn't take your money. Chapa knows stealing is wrong, right Chapa."

My mom gave me a stern look. Shit, she knows I took it." Yeah obviously if I wanted money I'd ask my mom. I wouldn't take from your raggedy 60s style purse."

"It's not from the 60s I just bought it at a garage sale last month!"

"Last month 60 years ago" I muttered. Sage giggled at my comment. I looked over at Carol, who looked like she was about to pop a blood vessel. her blue eyes are staring into my soul; I decided to stare back.

When my mom saw our staring contest she tried to change the subject. " anyway, Chapa what do you plan on doing today."

" umm I have school and that's about it"

"Do you need a ride sweetie?" Carol asked.

Girl switches up fast

"No my friend Bose is driving me."

Carol looked mad for some reason. 
"ok then."

She had a tone. A disapproving tone. And I was not having it today. "What was that for?" I asked "What was what for" She acted oblivious. "You gave me a look and you sound annoyed. Why?"

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