4 days before

121 6 0

TW// Self-Harm

It was 6:10 am and Chapa was outside shooting baskets into her basketball hoop. "Chapa" her mom called from the front door, she stopped what she was doing to see what her mom wanted. " did you already eat breakfast?"

"Ya, I had some toast" Chapa answered. Her mom walked out to where she was "that's it? Do you want me to make you something?" Chapa held back an eye-roll. "no thanks" she started bouncing her basketball again "Honey are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine," she answered as she shot her basketball that went straight into the hoop.
"I know it's really hard for you right now, are you sure you wanna go to school today?"

"Yes, mom I'm positive" Chapa answered "My ride will be here soon by the way" Her mom sighed " Are you sure, I'm letting Sage take a day off" Chapa was getting annoyed, she knew her mom was trying but it was just too much. " it's fine, I wanna go to school" her mom nodded, " ok- but can you come inside really quick I need to talk to you about something" Chapa put her basketball down " fine but as long as I can have coffee" her mom just smiled as she followed her daughter into the house.

It was now 6:20 Chapa made her and her mom some coffee. Before her mom could say anything Chapa spoke first, "what did the doctor talk to you about?" Her mom grabbed her hand, "that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I didn't wanna tell you right before school, but I won't be able to any other time cause I'm gonna be working early and late a lot now."

Chapa didn't say anything she was preparing herself for what her mom was gonna say.

"Chapa the damage to dad was very bad, there is a chance he's not gonna make it out of the coma, they estimated he will have a month." Chapa still didn't say anything she couldn't or else she would cry, she didn't like crying in front of anyone not even her mom she knew how much it hurt her mom when she saw her or Sage cry.

"But they are positive he can hear us so on Friday we are gonna go down to the hospital and talk to him, I don't expect you to wanna go or do anything Friday. It's up to you, but I'm just warning you right now" Chapa could see tears in her mom's eyes. " I'm sorry I have to tell you right before school, do you still wanna go?"

Chapa nodded and excused herself from the table bringing her coffee with her.

When she got to her room and closed the door she completely broke down. She was holding back sobs so nobody would hear her. After crying for about 10 minutes she ran to her dresser and grabbed her blade
It was now 6:45, Chapa was listening to heathers the musical soundtrack trying to get herself in a better mood before she left.

As she was listening she looked at her arm, she counted the number of marks she had now.
1..2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9 she kept counting them

suddenly somebody barged into her room "Chapa I've texted you 4 times we gotta go or Ray is gonna make us do push-ups!"

"Holy crap Bose" Chapa yelled rolling up her sleeve, "sorry I didn't even hear my phone go off" Bose looked confused as to what Chapa was just doing but brushed it off for now "did you not hear me honking the horn"

Chapa played with her sleeve, her arm was burning bad. "Are you ok?" Chapa rushed Bose out of her room "ya ya I'm good let's go it 6:55" Bose started waking down out of her room "what were you doing with your-" Chapa interrupted Bose mid-sentence "nothing just checking out my powers."

When they got into Boses car they were both silent, "are you gonna tell me why there was a cop car at your house the other day?" Bose asked. "wasn't planning on it" Chapa just looked out the window trying to zone out. "Is everything ok?"

ShatteredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang