Chapter 4: The Badge and the Burden

Start from the beginning

"This isn't going to work." Weiss said.

"It is a bit cramped." Blake remarks.

"Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff…" Yang suggested.

"Or we could ditch the beds... and replace them with bunk beds!" Ruby added excitedly.

"Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous." Weiss retorted.

"And super-awesome!" Yang said excitedly.

"It does seem efficient." Blake added.

"Well, we should put it to a vote!" Weiss retorted.

"I think we just did." Ruby replied.

To the sounds of two dings and a single buzz, Blake thumbs up the idea, Yang makes a double-rocker gesture, and Weiss angrily curls her fists at her side. Decided, they rush at the beds, where sounds of jackhammering and sawing are heard until they gather back at the front of the room.

"Objective: Complete!" Ruby remarks

While Weiss' bed is simply on the ground next to her art and luggage, Blake's bed is next to her books, which are used to raise Yang's bed over it by placing the novels on the posts, and Ruby's is hanging from ropes on the ceiling with a blanket used as a tent over it.

"Allllright! Our second order of business iiiiiiiis...!  Ruby said as the room spins until she lands on her bed and a book lands in her lap. "Classes…" She then pulls out a pencil.
"Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9, we've got to be-"

"What?! Did you say 9 o'clock?" Weiss asked.

" Uuuum…" Ruby remarks.

"It's 8:55, you dunce!" Weiss yelled.

Weiss is the first rushing out of the room and down the hall, the members of RWBY and JNPR peeking out from their doorways to look at her go.

Ruby was flabbergasted until she decided. "To class! 

Ruby runs out, followed by Yang and Blake.

"Class...?" Jaune asked.

Jaune loses his balance and ends up toppling Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and Lie Ren on top of him. He manages to get out from under them and start dashing.

"We're gonna be late!" Jaune yelled.

In the courtyard, Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch watch the two teams hurry through the school. Glynda looks at her watch, and Ozpin simply sips his drink.

Meanwhile, Kanji was already in class, having come early, and then he saw Team RWBY and Team JNPR come in and take seats.

The sight of an axe-blunderbuss weapon pans down to the boards displaying various species of Grimm - King Taijitu, Death Stalker, Beowolf, Boarbatusk, Nevermore, and Ursa - behind an elderly teacher named Peter Port.

"Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!" Professor Port laughed.

The members of RWBY, seated on the front row, are in varying stages of interest; Blake and Yang are sitting up and paying attention, Weiss is taking notes, and Ruby has her head propped in her hand as she takes a quick nap until she is woken back up by Port's bad joke, which receives a cricket-filled silence as a result while Kanji just sat there with his hood on doing the same thing Ruby did.

"Uhhhh... And you shall, too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses... Professor Port said then gives Yang a wink, which she groans uncomfortably at. "Individuals who have sworn to protect those who can not protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!"

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