8: I am waiting

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"So tell me." A young man smiled as he looked at the mirror in front of him. The blonde was combed in a neat way, his face is a beauty in itself that anyone would be attracted to as soon as they saw him. Piercing eyes and a slim figure, the ones shopping in the same store as him couldn't help but gawk at his looks. "Does this make me look..." He waved one hand around. "Good?"

Of course! Was the thought of the shop owner, and the ladies in the waiting line, and the workers, and the people that looked at the windows of the store.



"Human enough."

Said the three 'friends' that had been on this earth for a longer time than him.

"You guys aren't helping." He sighed. "And none of you are also looking at me."

The woman with black hair answered as she scrolled through her... phone was it? Well she isn't willing to look up at him. "Well as long as you have something the Rulers won't find out about your identity. So human wise, you are passable."

"But am I hot? Pretty? Handsome?"

"Pretty??" Said the older man as he kept looking at an old textbook in his hand, mathematical equations and old pages that almost made the blond sleep as soon as he laid eyes on them. "Wasn't pretty a complement for women?"

"Oh so you think I can't pull off being prettier than a woman?"

The older man called out to the last guy that was looking up at the beef section outside of the shopping mall. "Leo, find in that device of yours what pretty means?"

Leo didn't hear anything, so the woman next to him did the job instead. "Attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome." She looked up at him, "Hm. Yeah he fits the 'pretty'."

"Thank you, that was all I was searching for." He gritted through his teeth. Still, the blond went back to look at himself in the mirror and made some poses that the past host of himself had learned through the 'internet'..

"Now then, since we got you the clothes that you like, can we leave now?" Leo finally talked, but didn't pull his eyes away from the steak household just yet.

"No. This isn't over yet!" The green eyes of the blond glared back at himself. "This body never had even a single idea of what fashion taste is so nothing at home is passable! Wait here I'm going to try twenty other sets now."

The three groaned out of boredom.

"Why did you choose that vessel then?" Said the woman.

"Because it had a passable physique to hold my strength you dumbass. That doesn't mean he had good looks, so obviously I have to make those changes myself." And he did, by working out for 7 hours a day in ten weeks, he finally managed to get out of that home without feeling ashamed of being called ugly out on the streets. The beauty of someone was such a delicate subject for him, even before he got affected by human thoughts and behaviors. As the Monarch of the monstrous humanoids, of the most beautiful creatures in every world out there, he had to appear the part of beauty, leaned towards that essential trait every time.

And if I can become the most beautiful goblin, so can I become the most beautiful human!

That is and will always be Tarnak's strongest suit when blending between the lower creatures of other worlds. Happy with his new outcome, the Iron Body Monarch headed towards another coworker to ask for more help finding clothes around the store.

And just who is paying for all of this?



Oh, The Misery //Solo Leveling// Sung Jin Woo x AntaresWhere stories live. Discover now