3: I am Kang-Dae

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Almost two years have passed since he made a deal with [The Universal One]. Unfortunately all the memories of that time had been lost since then, so he can only wait until a certain "message" of sorts appears to let him know what he should do. He could. All it more like a blessing instead— something new and pleasantly unexpected, something miraculous compared to the other cause and effect kind of changed he picked up on.

Said "message" came in the form of a fallen Alusi— a divine race created from the fruits of The World Tree— asking for a compromise with The Dragon Emperor. 

This lowly one will find a way for Your Highness to access the Earthly world faster. In exchange I ask for the protection of the Elder Dragons and It's Majesty.

An audacity such as this should only be reciprocal with an equal laugher to its amusement. Antares had no interest in bothering with such simple gains from an Alusi, ona that had no real merit to the credits he boasted. But a thing like this hasn't happened in the other timelines. As such, if this sudden existence was the indication of an alteration done by [The Universal One] then he shouldn't take such a thing for granted. 

There was also the new plan of the Rulers to provide humanity with mana and let them fend on their own.

That last one, The Dragon Emperor couldn't tell if it was another intentional alteration, but it was of importance to know about it nonetheless. 

So Antares took the deal and the architect began to work for 7 years. The next day after the completion of the System, he awoke in a dull looking room with a pathetic looking face. 

Due to the silent anger, his fingers had left a horrible mark on the bathroom mirror. The face disfigured under the image, but he could still grasp the sight of pale ginger strands and brighter red eyes than his own. It was not until a second later when he breathed a bit of mana and the irises had come back to the blood crimson he was used to. 

The clothes he wore were also absurdly pathetic. A plain wardrobe that didn't have a single piece of infused mana in it. The textiles were also awfully plain too. The worst of his own kind would at least have detailed patterns and use the fur to hide away something disorganized within their robes. Even in the strongest of armor, as impenetrable as it was, the Dvergar would find a way to paint some sort of insignia on it. 

His face cringed at the sight of the big letters in the front. “Blackpink… stan? What strange connotation is this?” No response was given from the black box hovering over him, so he just threw the shirt aside and began to look around for something more fashionable. Eventually the only thing he found that suited the low expectation he had upon these clothes was a dark suit. 

If the memories of the vessel served him right, then this was also something a person of elegance would wear. An irony for him considering it had nothing of extravagance to boast about within the presence of others. No jewelry, no resistance to weather, the only thing it could be useful for is a cleaning rag.

"... But there is nothing else..."

In the mornings the smell of kimchi eggs would surround the small house. Grandma and grandpa would be up and about getting ready to clean the rooms and offer a nice meal to the only person that took care of them in their old age. This day was no different from the others, or so the elderly would think. What they didn't expect was the man to suddenly come out with the suit his father used to wear for interviews. 

“Morning.” The words had come out of his mouth before he managed to catch them in his tongue. It was not of his instinct to ever greet anyone, usually the lower wings would be the ones to bow down to them first. At last he guessed the custom must have come from the man himself so he simply took a seat behind one of the uncomfortable chairs– made of wood? Just wood?!? What sort of madness is this?!?! Not even a simple cushion for fucks sake!— 

Oh, The Misery //Solo Leveling// Sung Jin Woo x Antaresحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن