7: I am ready

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Lee Ju-Hee had just left her grandpa at a friend's house when she found her phone ringing with different calls from all kinds of contacts. Those she knew, those she didn't, those from people she interacted with once in middle school. She was more surprised that they still remembered her number after all this time rather than people trying to find who she was through social media.

Up until that point she didn't pay much attention to the sudden blow up of recognition she had received over night.

She should have.

As Ju-Hee walked home, news had leaked that Lee Kang-Dae, the famous S rank healer, was her brother. It didn't take long before the articles of the Double dungeon incident and the new S rank were to be linked together, thus creating headlines all around South Korea from "The family Lee suffers a devastation and a blessing!" all the way to outright speculation such as "Double Dungeon creates new S rank!".

By the time she was about to cross the street a mob had gathered behind her. All of them got their cameras ready and predatory eyes focused on her presence that made even the weakest of hunters keenly aware of what was about to happen next. So, for a high ranked healer such as Ju-Hee, she had already noticed the press gathering early on and could only sigh. In an attempt to run away from those news, Ju-Hee passed by the alleyways of her well known street while using up a boost to enhance her speed.

I didn't think it would be this fast before they caught on with the address.

This was the situation now, only four days after the news of Lee Kang-Dae awakening as an S rank. No matter how much the association tried to keep his profile hidden, his downright foreign ginger looks were already well known by his coworkers, rumors spread fast as the wind and 2 days later when his picture was taken, people had already gathered all the information that tracked to his house. Their grandpa wasn't better at hiding anything either, because as soon as Kang-Dae showed him the hunter license, he was jumping up and down ready to brag about his grandson to anyone who listened. It took a lot of time for Kang-Dae to convince him not to say a word without making it look as though he was threatening the old man.

The flashing lights startled Ju-Hee when she closed the windows to her house. Thankfully the press were not stupid enough to go through the picket fence, but the possibility is never zero.

"Ju-Hee-ah. What's going on out there?" Her grandma, who despite knowing just how famous S ranks could get, wasn't all that happy about another one of her grandchildren awakening.

"Just busy nobodies nana." She said, smiling back and closing every curtain in her house. The elderly woman frowned a bit as she looked back at the press. Suddenly, Ju-Hee felt the need to explain herself further. "Nana they will be gone in a few days I swear!-"

A knock came through the door.

"If they are going so far as to knock on our doors then they won't stop until you tell them!" Her grandma said, walking to the front door with an angry expression only meant to be given to those that messed with her family. The fiery temper is an inherent trait within her children too, but not as much as the grandma herself.

"Nana, wait!"

The door was already open. Two, no, four men were already standing in front of the door, flashes of light coveted by the dark suits and white vests that these men wore. Their presence was more than enough to leave Ju-Hee trembling at the sight of three S ranks and one A rank in front of her. However, the grandma, who couldn't sense any magical presence within them, only raised her head and spoke with a firm voice.

"Young men, what is the reason for your visits?"


Oh, The Misery //Solo Leveling// Sung Jin Woo x AntaresWhere stories live. Discover now