2: I am a King, not a brother

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Lee Ju-Hee was a young woman, although she would often be more associated with the young part more than the woman part. She enjoyed doing childish things like watching cartoons, getting spoiled by her brother or taken care of by her older coworkers, (healers or not) and liked to dream big, astronomically big. She would also be someone who easily gets scared watching scary movies, jumping at the slightest of occurrences like loud noises or shouts.

The only thing that didn't scare her, despite all others she met being horrified by such things, were blood and corpses.

Her brother was especially terrified of those, both of them were just always like two opposites of the Yin and Yang, or so she liked to say.

But the moment she had known about this particularity of hers, she didn't mind enlisting in one of the best medical highschools South Korea had to offer and just at the young age of thirteen no less. I told you she liked to dream big.

Anyways, as much as she was naively sad that the school of her dreams can't place her as a student (because she hadn't even finished high school), her brother told her to study as much as she could for the time being. So Ju-Hee did, learning every equation, then forgetting it the next day after exams but passing with as many outstanding grades as she could.

She would often spend her days at school studying until his brother had to bring her a home blanket to sleep in, and her morning would other times consist of her friends making sure she had enough proteins to survive until the midterms. But no matter how hard it was, Ju-Hee was determined to become a doctor, a surgeon even. She wanted to help people, Just like that hunter had done a long time ago! She used to repeat that phrase to her best friends, and then they would ask with who?

Ju-Hee would then repeat the story of a brave man who sacrificed his life in order to protect the people inside the gate, and though he was trapped there, he managed to save everyone. Now said place has a theme park which she always used to visit with her brother. There is a little stand out there that sells her favorite foods, and her brother liked to give her as much of them as he could. She and him would eat the famous Ddeokbokki whenever Ju-Hee passed with yet another high grade.

But you are not a hunter.

Who says you need to be a hunter to save people?

Ju-Hee was always too tired to become a policewoman or a firewoman, she didn't have such an attitude to be as professional as a lawyer, and also didn't like to be stuck doing a lot of paperwork. She didn't have the capabilities to fight for her country or give meaningful words to inspire others. Politics never suited her either, but all she wanted was some sort of way to care for those around her. And knowing she didn't have any fear within hospitals (instead, there was some sort of motivation to help another who was injured, or so her brother had always seen that in her.) Ju-Hee decided this was the only way she could feel happy, she could feel completed.

"I'm Sorry Miss Lee, your grades are the best we could have hoped for but, it is stated that you seemed to have awakened, and legally we cannot accept recently awakened hunters who haven't had experience in the dungeons."

"Have a good day."

A law established a year after the gates appeared. Many governments took this law in order to separate the recently awakened hunters from the normal people, especially higher ranked hunters like B, A and S. it was the same as a forced military service that all students had to do so in South Korea, and most could skip this kind of job now if they worked as hunters instead. However, another reason for this law was because they didn't want the common people to lose their jobs, especially when there were now people that existed with the strength of a thousand men, those who had reflexes faster than a bullet or even those who could heal someone from the brink of death.

Oh, The Misery //Solo Leveling// Sung Jin Woo x AntaresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora