
37 1 0

Wc ~ 2294

WARNING ~ NSFW, Fingering (receiving), edging, name calling, praising, mask kink, size difference, over stimulation.


2nd POV -

You and Renia filed a restraining order on the entire family not wanting contact with them. You were pretty much healed up but it still hurt to do some daily things. Ghost and you talk quite often considering you guys have been living under the say roof for a month a half. It was almost your time to leave.. sadly.

You learned he's in the military, he's 31 not much older than you. He's more of a listener than a talker but that's okay since you are a talker. He's also a man of very few words.

It's the day before thanks giving and you all are doing dinner with the group.. at Ghosts house. He wasn't to fond of the idea at first but Soap made him give in. They're bond is everything, it's so cute how well they get along. Soap is so light heart about everything while Ghost was more stern with what he does.

"Hey do you need help?" You walk over to Ghost who is making the turkey in the kitchen. He seems awfully fixated but you feel bad he's doing all the work while you just sit around.

Finally he glanced up from basting the turkey looking at you. "Oh.. uh sure?" He almost seemed uncertain if he actually needed help or maybe he wasn't used to people offering?

You walk next to him watching him waiting for orders..

"You can uhh.. make the mac? or casserole?" He turns to you unsure if you even want to help him. You just give him a light smile before asking what ingredients you need to make the food. He tells you what you need and where to get them.

There was on ingredient in the cabinet all the way in the back of the top shelf. Everything you tried to do you couldn't reach it but you realized it would probably be easier to get on the counter and grab it.

You put on leg on the counter pulling your self up so you are now kneeling on it. You can reach it!

Before you grab the ingredient you feel hands on your waist holding you up so you don't fall. Turning your head you see Ghost behind you staring right at your ass like he was a predator looking at its prey.

"Take a picture it will last longer and you can wack off to it later" His head snaps up at you before lifting you off them counter putting you on the floor. Your back up against the counter with both of his hands rest on each side of you. He's staring into your eyes with intermediation and lust glazing over them.

"You know those shorts do show a lot" He presses his body up against yours. The heat transferring. Smirking at his comment you lean up whispering in from of his ear, "We never finished what started a couple weeks ago" Leaning back to see his reaction but before you could he lifts his mask up to his nose and starts attacking your neck with long kisses and soft bites.

Whimpers flying out as he leaves marks along your skin. His kisses make they're way to your ear. Softly he's whispers, "We can finish it right now?".

He licks from behind your ear to your collarbone before he starts kissing your neck again. When he kisses a certain sensitive spot you let out a quiet moan.

His smirk evident on your skin, he grabs your thighs lifting you and putting you on the counter standing between your legs. He leans back one hand on your thigh the other now cupping your chin pulling you in for a kiss.

The kiss gets heated fast with your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. His waist pressed up against yours. He grabs the hem of your shirt signaling if it's okay to take it off you nod. "Use those words pretty girl"

Pʜɪʟᴏᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀ(𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘯 &quot;𝘎𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵&quot; 𝘙𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘺)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang