The Cave

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I would prefer if I lived in a cave on the cliffs, 

With a large mouth, 

Open to the world.

From it, I can yawn, 

I can be lazy, 

I can escape smoothly,

These apartments, one next to the other, have no value in them 

Nature has not laid its hand upon them 

As if God does not know them, 

no matter how much I pray in them 

No matter how much I pray to be free 

I remain trapped and suffocated.

I want the cave to devour me 

With the loneliness of the night and the harshness of the cold 

With the shadows of truth 

With daring and danger 

With authentic sin 

With permissible lies.

I want Plato to visit me with his dog and friends 

I want the cave to unite me in a meeting with time.

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