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What is chemistry, anyway?

Is it what we studied, 

When we had to mix two solutions, 

Observing their reactions, Changing colors?

Those boring morning classes, 

Sleepy eyes and too many yawns, 

I remember well the yellowish and pink solutions, 

I didn't know  then that the real chemistry is what we gonna feel,

When your body was stuck to mine, 

In the darkness of the laboratory,

 Surrounded by too many solutions, 

But chemistry concerns us only, 

My liquids and yours.

You said we have chemistry, 

Your hormones and mine, 

But if we have chemistry, my love, 

Our liquids must change colors, Don't they?

Taste Of AngerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ