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The referee howl's to signal the start of the race, all the wolves dash forward. Immediately Dexter and I are already miles ahead of the others.

He doesn't look back but I know he can sense me right behind him.I feel his heart racing with nervousness as I start to run up right beside him. He looks at me with distaste but also with a bit of curiosity. I give him a slight smirk as I keep an even pace beside him. He stares into my dark green orbs as the world fades around us. My hairs (fur) rises as I feel his breath on me. We start to run in sync and all we can hear is our hot breaths and paws hitting the ground. We lock eyes and he cocks his head towards me as if he's questioning my oomph.

Suddenly we get back to reality as we hear a chorus of howls from the others cheering us on as we near the finish line. I turn my head and see Aria, Harry, and Isaac howling me on. Dexter and I start to speed up, and as we get closer and closer to the line I remember he needs to win. He needs to think I'm a beta for him to open up to me, to bare his soul to me. I want his complete trust until I can reveal my secret.

I start to slow down, and Dexter looks back to give a questioning look, I smirk again and see him sprint to the finish line. The rest of the wolves racing are still miles away, so I come in 2nd place. Dexter stares at me as I crossed the line, he's probably wondering why I slowed down, but I will reveal nothing.

"Congrats on first place!" I said, silently daring him to respond.

He stares at me and looks away completely ignoring my kind words. But I swear I heard him mumble something.    

hope u guys are all doing ok! basically my friend lent me her van so im just living life on the streets rn but at least I can still write this.. hehe. yeah its a struggle but YOLO :P  ngl tho I need to shower it is mustyyy in this tin can. vote this chapter and ill update soon xoxo

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