Date With Disaster

Start from the beginning

"What's a mixer?" Cosima asked.

"Cosima darling, you are too pure. A mixer is a social gathering between boys and girls." Stolas explains.

"Oh I get it, it sounds fun." Cosima smiles.

"Cool!" Florent smiled.

"You go Stolas, whoo!" Muse cheered.

"I've been trying to figure out what to wear but I'm in desperate need of second opinions!" Stolas sighed in desperation.

"Say no more." Blu winked.

⏳Mini TimeSkip⌛️

"You've got a whole other row back there?" Blu gasped, shocked at the sight of another row of clothes behind the primary set of suits.

"This is amazing. You think I can borrow this some time?" Florent interrupted, "I don't know much black, and I-"

"Yeah, hello! Focus, Florent! We are here to help me!" Stolas shouted.

"I'm guessing there's an excellent explanation behind this pattern?" Tech laughed as he pulled out a strange pink and blue looking suit, "Where in the realm did you get that thing, Stolas?"

"I designed it." Stolas said.

"Oh! Well, it's very..."

"Very what?"

"Uh oh!" Muse stifled a laugh as Cosima walked over to a wardrobe and pulled out short sleeves blue button up shirt.

"What about this one?'

"Perfect, thank you darling!" Stolas chimed, giving a small kiss on Cosima cheek and taking the shirt and getting into it.

"STOLAS!!!!" The guys yelled. Cosima turn to the boy confused.

"It's fine guys, Stolas always does this when I help him pick out an outfit." Cosima stated.


"Talk to me about these shoes. Too intense?" Stolas asked, ignoring the guys outburst.

"No, but they're not very practical." Tech answered.

"Muse, be a dear and bring me that green chest." Stolas requested, tying on his shoes.

"Of course, Your Highness!" Muse groaned as he lifted the heavy chest over to Stolas, "What's in there?" Muse exhaled in exhaustion as Stolas opened the chest with his foot.

"Oh, just a few accessories." Stolas exaggerated.

"Just a few?" Florent questioned in disbelief.

"The Ring of Solaria. . . . Hmm. . . . You know what, better not. Cosima, could you keep an eye on this for me?" Stolas requested as he handed over her ring.

"You're not gonna wear it?" Cosima asked.

"Nah, when I have it, I tend to cast love spells before even know the girl! Besides, something tells me I won't be needing any magic tonight!" Stolas chimed as he posed in the mirror.

"I don't understand. Why do you let yourself get so charged up about seeing some girls?" Tech sighed.

"Yo! Does anybody smell that??" Muse panicked as they all sniffed.

"It's the flip-weed!" Tech shouted.

"Quick! Out of the way!" Muse yelled at passing students, running down the hall with the others following.

"Hello! We're not done!" Stolas shouted after the group.

"Good luck tonight!" Cosima wished as she ran to the kitchen. Florent grabbed a fire extinguisher.

Fairy Of The Cosmos (Winx Club Genderbent fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now