???: hello all I'm Theodore the headmaster of shade... I'm aware that all of you have been in a great amount of stress lately so I would like to offer you all rooms for you to relax in for the day before I explain the situation tomorrow... umm I was informed that two extra people would be coming 2 dragon faunus where a-

Velvet: not coming

We all look to velvet to see her rabbit ears folded down and her face filled with sadness and anger so I intertwine my fingers with hers to calm her

Qrow: theo I'm gonna need to speak to you in private

He nods and we are all go to our rooms which I share with velvet once again. As soon as we enter and I shut the door velvet collapses to her knees and starts sobbing into her hands, seeing her like this makes me panic for a second before I rush over to her and hold her against my chest to comfort her which she quickly leans into

Velvet: why.... Why did he do this!?

She shouts into my chest so I just hold her tighter and let her cry and let all the emotions out. Floof nudges her leg so she picks them up and cuddles them as she cry's but I still make sure to hold her tight

POV Aidan

I sit with an electric collar around my throat which watts is holding the trigger to. It's been oum I forgot already 2 maybe 3 weeks in vacuo and we'll to be frank it's a hell hole im never let out the house, I'm used as a fucking training dummy and I'm basically used as entertainment for them as whenever anyone feels like it with a press of a button I-

Aidan: AHHHHHH!!!

I scream in pain as 50,000 volts of electricity is held against my throat for a few seconds before stopping abruptly stopping leaving my throat with a burning pain and watts with a chuckle

Watts: that is quite fun

Aidan: eat a dick!

He presses the button once more causing electricity to shoot through my body causing excruciating amounts of pain but before I scream it stops once more leaving me to just pant to regain my breath

Mercury: why is he here again?

I shoot my head to look at him and he's sat on a chair with his feet on a coffee table reading a comic book

Tyrian: because our divine grace commanded it so

Watts: that and we could potentially use him to open the summer maidan vault leaving us to find the beacon vault

I look at him confused as I would've thought they go it as soon as beacon fell

Aidan: you guys didn't get it after beacon?

Watts sighs before standing up and walking towards the coffee table which he has a computer resting on

Watts: ozpin hid it well instead of having it under the school, he instead has it somewhere else which we don't know the location of

He sits on the coach before opening his laptop. Tyrian walks over to me and starts laughing maniacally as he licks his lips

Tyrian: what's it like betraying your friends?

He walks around as I'm sitting cross legged on the floor

Aidan: go away Tyrian

Tyrian laughs again as he puts his face mere inches away from my face knowing I can do anything or I'll get beaten, electrocuted and not fed for days

Tyrian: come on tell me. It must just be AWFUL!

He shouts the last part in my face making spit fly onto my face which I'm quick to wipe away

Watts: Tyrian instead of asking him that maybe ask his friends what it's like to be betrayed

I look over to see he has security footage of inside shade academy where rwby plus qrow, winter and another guy I don't recognise are sitting at a table eating food

Aidan: no!

Watts: yes! I think we have the perfect candidate to spy on our friends. Mercury would you be a dear and inform salem of who's here

He nods before closing his comic and walking into a room that has a crystal ball grimm thing

Watts: now onto the matter of you

I look at him and he has a devilish, shit eating grin that I just want to punch the shit out of

Watts: I'll set your collar to activate at a certain distance away from me or this house oh and if you interact with any of your buddies I'll send Tyrian to kill them and I'm sure he would be happy to

Tyrian laughs at him saying this and I hang my head knowing I can't do much of anything against them as even if I was to leave y/n would be killed or worse

POV y/n

I lie on the floor of a room salem has given me, it has a bed, a desk and my weapons inside of it but still no clothes. The floor I'm lying on is cold, rocky, uncomfortable but I don't want to lie in bed not yet at least. I look to my right to see the door slightly peak open

Ara: herd you finally saw the correct way of life

Y/n: I always knew it just didn't accept it

Ara walks fully into the room before shutting the door she then proceeds to sit next to me before laughing

Ara: you always thought Buxton's and my veiw of society was wrong. It's almost like you are a different person


I look down at y/n his facial expression once almost dead and blank has now been contorted into a devilish smile with wide psychotic eyes. He sits up and stares at me before laughing like a banshee making me back up in fear at his sudden outburst of emotion

Y/n: oh no you fool!

He licks his razor sharp teeth slightly cutting his tongue causing blood fall from his tongue and drop onto the floor

Y/n: she isn't going to destroy governments she's going to destroy the world, thrust it into a dark abyss...

His words ring through my head as he looks at me like a hungry animal looking to kill and eat its next meal

Y/n: I can feel your fear Ara it's... delicious

I quickly stand up and run out the room as fear courses through my vains. As soon as the door behind me shuts the cackles and howling screams of laughter begin once more making my heart race as I run to find Buxton

POV coco

I sit outside in the cool vacuo night. The stars above me are twinkling, the shattered moon is glistening and my mind is muddled with thoughts on what I should do now. Should I try and find aidan or should I take care of my team and protect the relics

Coco: fuck

I swear to myself under my breathe before I hang my head in just pure mental exhaustion and after what felt like hours of this but was more then likely just a few minutes I look up to see a figure concealed in shadows looking at me around 200 feet away but even though I can't tell who they are I can tell it's one of four as they have a tail, horns and wings. I quickly stand up as I take gianduja off of my hip and turn it into its rotary machine gun form and point it at the figure

Coco: reveal yourself!

I shout at the figure with my index finger itching to unleash hell on who ever it is but before I can there wings spread out before they fly into the air leaving me confused and worried as no matter who the dragon is they are with salem

Coco: fuck!

I shout into the night sky as I collapse to my knees as I start crying into my hands as no matter what we can't have a fucking break

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter word count 2009)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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Male self harming depressed abused reader x rwby Where stories live. Discover now