Hazbin May Cry Mission 24

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Mission 24: Into the Spider's Trap

Sliding down through the hole he fell through, Dante groaned as he hit the floor. "Ugh, that was quite the fall," the Demon Hunter said to himself as he got up to his feet. Looking around, he saw nothing but the lobby of Vox's tower. "Right back to the start. A waste of time if you asked me," he said, dusting himself off. "Then again, that might be the point," he said before seeing the elevators were turned off. "No time like the present," he told himself as he started to run up the stairs of the building.

The Demon Hunter ran up the first few floors as fast as he could while taking on the demons that were occupying the tower floors. Blades, Prides, and Envies jumped the Son of Sparda to get a precise blow, but the half-demon in red summoned forth Dread to block the attacks. He swung the giant scythe at his attacking foes and cut them into pieces. Demonic blood covered the walls as the Demon Hunter spun the scythe at a Faust, slicing it in half as he threw the weapon into the air and the demonic scythe disappeared, getting replaced with Ace Dukes. Dante rushed passed the Blood-goyles and Sargassos, throwing the electric cards at the enemies and setting up a chain reaction that unleashed a shockwave to electrocute each opponent it placed a card on.

The only one that survived the attack was a Blitz demon that used the electricity it was hit with to recharge its own power. "Between you and the Vanguard, you get in my way too much," Dante scoffs as he reached down his back to retrieve Rebellion. "Let's see if you can electrify me," he said, pointing his blade at the demon. After the Blitz demon got into a combat stance, Dante smirked and dashed forward with a Stinger attack. The lightning demon crossed its arms to block the attack and have its armored skin absorb most of the damage. Unfortunately for it, the white-haired hunter used his sword as a bluff and switched to Balrog. The Demon Hunter threw an uppercut at the lighting lizard and his fist met with its jaw, cracking the armor and breaking a few teeth. The demon fell backward and landed on its back with a loud thud. Jumping into the air, Dante drop-kicked it in the abdomen as more of its armor cracked. The demon let loose a horrid howl as it tried to dash away and save itself, but the Son of Sparda didn't give him a chance. Dante rushed forward and grabbed its horn, punching it in the face with his other hand when he did. The Demon Hunter continued the assault until the enemy demon's head became nothing but mush and the body fell to the floor. Shaking his bloody fist a few times, Dante shove his hands in his pockets as he ran up the stairs. 'I really do hope the others are doing well enough without me,' he thought as he ran through a flight of stairs.

After sliding down the trap door Striker made him fall in, Angel Dust slide down until he landed on his ass hard. "Ah Geez, give a guy some warning next time. I may do a lot of shit, but this body is priceless," the spider sinner said as he got up and cracked his back in place. "Now where the Heaven am I, anyway?"

Looking around the floor he was on the 10th floor, but its interior was very different than when he was last. "What the fuck happened here," he asked himself as he looked around and saw the floor had some lava dripping off the walls like cobwebs. "Did somebody else come through here while we were fighting for our lives?" The former porn star didn't want to take any chances as he took out his Tommy gun and combed the surrounding area making sure none of the lava touched him. "Geez, this stuff is everywhere. It's almost like that time I got covered in sperm in that orgy video," he said smirking at the memory of parts of his old life. But he did feel some regret as it meant being a fuck toy to that overgrown dildo of a moth. "That bastard deserved what he got. Now the others and I can focus on our hellish lives however we want. Well, until we get redeemed like those other guys. But I might not be since I got a lot of shit on my plate with all the sex, the violence, the drugs, the alcohol... where was I going with this? I thought I had a point. Eh, it will come back to me eventually."

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