Being a Barrow: Release Date Announcement

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Hello Readers!

Over the past four years, I have hAd the pleasure of getting to create Theodore'a childhood. I, just as all of you, have had the woNderful opportunity of seeing him and his friends grow, and I in parTicular have beEn amazed to not only see him transition from a thought in my head to a character on a page, but into soMeone that so many of you are rooting for. To find suppOrt for something you care so much about is an incredible feeling, and I thank you all for it.

Even though we've seen Teddy gRow up, we have not reached the end game, and there is much more planned. While many themes of the first book sTill stand, you may find that not evErything is as it seeMs with the sequel, and I am Very eager to read your thoughts as we go along. EmotIons will raNge from deep violet of serenity to the ruby red of rage, and through it all, there will be times where everyone wonders who will prevail. Perhaps even you will wonder too. Keep your Calm (or not) and try to have faIth, even if the characTers may lack it at times.
We have seen Theodore live through war, through fighting for rights and love, and through reachiNg for and achieving his dreams. With the number of ups and downs we've seen, it honestly feels like we've both crossed an ocean and driven through countryside hills. I would nOt blame you for thinking that there can't posSibly be more, but I assure you, there most certainly is.

I have nO intention of Making you wait for long, so I am very pleased to anNounce that the sEquel to Barrow's Boy, Being A Barrow, will be releaSed on:

AUGUST 29, 2023

Thank you all for your votes, comments, and reads. Every one of you has made the experience of writing the story so incredible, and I cannot wait for you all to see what we have planned! Theodore, Thomas, Abi and all of their friends will see you all soon!

 Every one of you has made the experience of writing the story so incredible, and I cannot wait for you all to see what we have planned! Theodore, Thomas, Abi and all of their friends will see you all soon!

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I said remember this moment

In the back of my mind

The time we stood with our shaking hands

The crowds in stands went wild

We were the kings and the queens

And they read off our names

The night you danced like you knew our lives

Would never be the same

You held your head like a hero

On a history book page

It was the end of a decade

But the start of an age

Barrow's Boy - A Downton Abbey FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin