Do You Recognize Me?

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     Sand stuck to the wet bottoms of Teddy's feet, leaving grains stuck up his heel and between his toes. It was hot, baked under the late summer sun, so that it gave everyone a shot of warmth with every barefoot step they took on it. 

     The football was covered in sand as well, as it was passed between the group of boys running around the beach. Theodore had been somehow dragged into the game, Jimmy begging him to even out the teams after Thomas had stepped out. Though he had warned Jimmy that he was hardly the person you wanted on a team, the footman had seemed more concerned with even numbers than anything else, so Teddy ended up playing. 

     Thomas had been sitting with Baxter, the last Teddy had seen him. However, when he looked back in that direction, his dad and gone, and Molesley had joined her instead. He took advantage of the hall boys dropping out of the game to do so himself and set off in search of the man. 

     Luckily, his search was not very difficult, and he found Thomas sitting alone, staring out at the water with a somewhat disturbed expression. Following his gaze, Teddy's eyes landed on Carson and Mrs. Hughes, walking out into the water, holding hands. Teddy quickly looked back at his father and spoke, finally grabbing the man's attention.

     "Wanna go get some ice cream?"

      Thomas looked up, then nodded. He held out his good hand, and without a word being spoken, Teddy reached over and helped the man up. 

     "You think they have chocolate?" Thomas asked as the two of them began walking towards the bustling area meant to attract money-spending tourists. Teddy supposed that it was succeeding.

     "I think they better." Thomas glanced at him and smiled. Teddy, with the sun shining on his face, smiled back.

    I wonder if anyone has ever considered why certain moments of our lives stick with us more than others. Why, though I've just turned fifteen, do moments from when I was only five stay with me and continue to hold importance in my life? Kicking a pebble towards a girl, seeing my father off to war. 

     I suppose there must be some sense in it all. Abi is special, and the war would be a major part of anyone's life, regardless of age. Yet, it is odd for those two moments to stand out, while the days between them are impossible to recall. 

     In another ten years' time, I wonder if there will be moments from now that I recall better than others. The beach, debate team, Abi. I don't think I would be upset with that.

     Now, I have to go do my arithmetic homework. I swear I run into Ms. Bunting more and more, and I would rather like to be finished it if I do see her again. Besides, Mrs. Patmore said that if I finish my homework, we can give another one of Mum's recipes a try. I would very much like that, indeed. 

     The invitation came in mid-October with the morning post. 

     You are invited to the Bennett family Hallowe'en party on October 31st. 

     Costumes required.

     Teddy had to stare at it for a moment to process the information. It was signed by both of Abi's parents. Did that mean- but surely he wouldn't change his mind now? After all of this time? And yet, his name was written clearly at the top of the invitation.

     Immediately, thoughts were running through his mind. He had to go. He needed to show Mr. Bennett that he wasn't a juvenile delinquent. In fact, he needed to come across as the most respectable person there. He would need a good costume. A costume. Where would he get a costume? He didn't own any-

Barrow's Boy - A Downton Abbey FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora