Icarus Gets Wings

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    Three days. That was how long they had striked before the kids started to complain. It made Teddy want to scream. They couldn't even last a week?

     Three days was also how long it took for Carson to make his thoughts very clear. Teddy had returned from the day of striking, tired from hearing the protests of various people who already wanted to get back to work, only for Carson to stop him before he could walk too far.

     "What do you think you're doing here?"

     "Going to nap," Teddy replied, attempting to dodge around the man. He wasn't under his command right now, after all. 

     "Well, you had best go find somewhere else to do it. The rooms here are for people who work for his lordship."

      Teddy bit down on his tongue, trying to fight the urge to hit the man with the sign in his hands. 

     "I'm sorry, what?" Teddy replied after a moment. "I've lived here since I was three."

     "Is this necessary?" Mrs. Patmore asked, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. Teddy shot her a tired but grateful look, then turned back to Carson.

      "I'm afraid so, Mrs. Patmore. He can move back in when he is back to work."

      Teddy took in a deep breath, then gave a single nod. "Alright, Mr. Carson. I give in."

     Carson's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "You do? Well then, your livery awaits-"

      "And it shall continue to await until my strike is over. Now, I'll be staying somewhere else for its duration."

     Teddy turned and began to walk away. Before he reached the door, however, he stopped and turned to look at the man. 

     "This is usually where we would wish each other a good day."

     "If you expect me to exchange pleasantries with you, Theodore, you are mistaken."

     "Oh good, then I don't have to either. All I ask is this; are you not ashamed?"

     Teddy left the building before Carson gave his response. He had no need to hear it. He would have his answer soon enough.

     Teddy did not know where he was going. Where could he go? All he kept thinking was how much he didn't want to intrude on anyone's home. And what of Thomas? Would his dad grow worried when Teddy seemingly didn't come home? He would pray that someone informed him of the situation if he believed it would do any good.

     Of course, Teddy should have known that his strike wouldn't be all good. The nobles were not easy to get on one's side. Perhaps the others were right. Maybe it was time to put this silly fantasy of striking, of winning, and of proving a point behind them and get back to work. At least then Teddy would know where he was going to sleep tonight. He would know where he would eat and know who he could turn to for help. Fuck, he knew that Abi and Everett would have given him a place to go in a heartbeat if it weren't for their parents. And he didn't dare go to the Wilsons right now, not when their only income was on strike as well.

    "Theodore?" Teddy stopped walking at the sound of a familiar Irish accent. "What are you doing? I thought all of you had gone home."

     "Mr. Carson says I can't go back until the strike is over," Teddy replied, turning to Branson. The man frowned, crossing his arms.

     "Ya mean he's kicked you out until you're working again?" Teddy nodded. "So, where are you going?"

     "I'm not sure," Teddy replied, shrugging. "I thought about asking Anna if I could stay with her, but I'm not sure if Mr. Bates would like it."

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