Hidden Facts

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      There was still light in the servants' hall when Teddy returned from the party late that night. Or, technically, it was very early the next morning. 

     As he quietly walked in, he was met by the sight of Mr. Carson sitting at his seat at the head of the table, looking at a newspaper. He looked up as Teddy walked into the room, folding the newspaper.

    "Ah, you're back," he said, placing the newspaper on the table. Teddy nodded. "I trust your walk back went well."

     Teddy was a bit confused by what Mr. Carson meant but replied anyway.

     "Yes, sir. I'm sorry to have kept you up." Carson rose his eyebrows.

     "No, Theodore, it's my fault. I realized I forgot to ask you to lock up upon your return. But I don't mind. I'm glad to see you got back without issue. The things young people get up to on this day, I swear-"

      Carson seemed about to enter into one of his rants about how Teddy's generation was nothing like his own. Theodore himself took this chance to stare at the butler in disbelief. Had Carson been worried about him? The thought made Teddy want to laugh, but why else would he have waited up? And not even been mad that he was returning so late? It all seemed so unlikely, but were there any other explanations?

     "Mr. Carson?" Teddy risked asking. The man stopped his complaints, turning to look at him. 

     "Yes, Theodore?"

     "Thank you for waiting." Once again, Carson's eyebrows rose in surprise. "I appreciate your concern. Even if I think myself old enough to take care of myself."

     "Well-" Carson paused, speechless. He clearly hadn't been expecting a conversation, but Teddy hadn't either, so he couldn't blame him. He cleared his throat before speaking again.

     "You have school today, so you should probably get some rest."

     "I should, yes. Good night, Mr. Carson."

     "Good night, Theodore."

     I worry that Thomas is breaking apart from our group.  He's been spending more time with Christopher, though why, I cannot say. All I is that he's with him constantly, and, in the moments that he's not with him, he's talking about him. 

     It's all quite irritating. I've complained to Grandpapa on more than one occasion, though he says I "should allow Thomas his limited freedoms", whatever that means. I just believe Thomas should allow me freedom from Christopher, or Kit, as he calls him. 

     The only moments that Thomas won't talk about him are when we are also with Jj and Cecily. I'm not quite sure why, but he's grown very quiet around them and refuses to even tell them that he's spending time with him. I mentioned it one way and was met with a look as if it were supposed to be a secret. I've attempted to ask him about it, but he shuts down every time.

     While I am aware that Thomas' life is, as my Grandpapa also says, "his business and nothing for me to concern myself with", I worry that perhaps I'm not his best friend anymore. It's a thought I would rather not think on for any longer. And so, I will end this entry here, and attempt not to think of it anymore.

     The holiday season passed quickly at Downton, as it often did. Teddy occupied himself with the debate team, which was back to its winning streak, his education, article writing, and completing what the Dowager Countess was referring to as his "medical school requirements". Though Teddy had no idea why she had become interested in his education, he could say that he appreciated the sentiment. 

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