Naruto's questions

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Bolt was currently in prison...

well only for 1 week because they couldnt get Naruto out of the room.

it was guarded with a jutsu that was S+ so it was pretty hard.

It took 5 hours to finally get him out.

and the 1 week Bolt has been getting food and water as Naruto couldnt just statve him.

He was his son after all.

Bolt has to admit tho.. he has a bit of a soft spot on his dad.

Thats the whole reason he didnt hurt him or make the jutsu around the room ten times stronger..

As much as he doesnt like it, he cant kill or badly hurt Naruto no matter what he does.

Sure it annoys him a lot, but he's gotten used to it.


he has an even bigger soft spot on someone...

Bolt smiles gently remembering his crush.

but before he can think about her the doors open revealing the 2 guards who happened to be jonin.

And once again Bolt's cold face is back.

"Oi get up! the hokage wants to see you!.

"Dont you dare talk to me like that.."

"Or what?! Are you gonna kill me-" the same guy spoke but got intrudupted by the other jonin.

"the hokage said not to provoke him.. and that we be on guard."
the other jonin spoke a bit quietly.

"tch fine.. come brat." the jonin grabes the cuffs that are made to seal chakra as long as you wear them.

he put the cuffs on Bolt and the two guards were now dragging him to the hokage office.

once the finaly came, they opened the door and there he was.

the seventh hokage. Not in all glory tho.

he was at the desk sleeping exusted from the paperwork, chunin exams and bolt.

He even forgot that they were bringing bolt here.

"What should we do?" the jonin who provoked bolt said in a whisper.

"lets just leave the boy here. I mean the kid is his son what would he do to his own father?" the same jonin answered his own question

"yes but we dont know what he did!"

"hes just a kid! He probably stole from a store or something!"

"but the cuffs-" the other jonin sighs knowing he cant convince him.

they push the boy further to the room and close the door walking away.

Bolt was angry.. robbery.... thats what they thought he did!?

He could make them beg for mercy in an instant!

He took a deep breath and got closer to Narutos sleeping figure.

"Dad.. get up.." Bolt said a bit more gently then with other people.

"F-five more m-inutes.."
bolt's eyes soften for a second and then return to the cold ones.

"..Its Bolt.." he said in a quiet tone.

but Naruto picked it up and fastly opened his eyes.

Panic all over Naruto.

'what is he doing here!?, why are there no guards!, what am i doing here!?'

Bolt laughs a bit, a hint of joy in his voice.

he always wanted his dads attention and now he has it..

Naruto's memories start coming back as he remembered that he was supposed to interview bolt to see what he wants to do to his village and where is his son.

how could he forget something so important!

"Boru-Bolt sit down.. please."

Bolt sit down wanting to see what his father would say.

"Your here to answer some question."

"Sure.." Bolt said in a deep and dangerous voice that even Naruto tensed

The thing naruto was the most worried about was bolts power.

It scared him that if they fight Naruto would atleast lose a leg and arm.

Everybody more powerfull then Naruto are a danger to the village and considering that boruto was as powerfull as him scared him.

He cant protect his people if he isnt the most strongest.

"Ok first question... Who really are you?"

"I am Boruto's evil side or dark side as people say it ."

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