And just when I think she's forgiven me her next words jolt me back to reality.

"I don't know if thats enough Elias...I want to believe you but I just can't keep giving myself up like this. It's too much...I've been through too much."

She mumbles the last part but I catch it and my blood boils at the idea of anyone else hurting her only to realize I am that person.

Im not good enough for her I know that.

Im a piece of shit.

A Jerk


"One more chance okay ?" Her soft voice rasps in my ear and I think I've been reborn again once I register her words.

"I won't let you hurt me again the minute you do something I'm done okay. I'm not playing anymore games. No more other girls no more games just me..." She says making sure her voice is affirmative and the thought of her building the courage to say that makes me want to smile.

"Okay baby...whatever you say." I say smirking because I swear I don't think I've been happier.

"And stop calling me makes me you know ..." She mumbles a slight smile on her face.

"No I don't know...please elaborate" I say teasing her.

When she doesn't answer I grab her cheeks with both my hands and make her look at me and then I do something I've been wanting to do for the longest time.

I kiss her.

Her lips are soft against mine and the little moan she lets out into my mouth drives me insane.

She kisses me back slightly but I don't like that she's holding back and instead I grab her neck and push her deeper into the kiss.

That's when she reacts and starts trying to catch up.

We stay like that until I have to let go because she needs to catch her breath.

Our foreheads stay together and I watch her swollen lips suck in a breath.

"Don't you ever fucking kiss Sam hear me." I say suddenly angry.

"He's just a friend." She says defensive.

"Yeah well be his friend from far." I tell her.

"Aww are you jealous ?" She says smiling.

I don't answer.

"Well don't be...I never wanted to start anything with Sam. Because someone kept getting in the way, you know playing with my heart and all." She says smiling at me.

"Who ?" I say even angrier that someone else was trying to mess with her.

She breaks out into a fit of laughter at my response even snorting and I swear my heart does a double take.

"Oh my's you dummy." She says between laughs.

"Oh." I say realization coming over me.

"Okay let's finish this chapter and then you can give me a ride home...please." She says her big eyes looking up at me.

"Yeah of course but we're not studying anymore let's go." I say standing up from the chair.

"We'll then where are we going ?" She says excitement filling her voice as she stands up to pick up her stuff.

"You'll see."I respond.

"Okay as long as your not some underground criminal or a serial killer I trust you." She says smiling to herself as she picks up the books.

The Way We FellWhere stories live. Discover now