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We sat in the parking lot for a while. I hadn't said anything to Elias and he hasn't said anything to me.

The silence was too much after a while. If he was upset that I asked him to drop me off than I would explain my reasoning thats how it would work.

"I- I just thought that you would want some alone time. And when you said that you were hungry I just wanted to make it easier on you and tell you that you didn't have to drop me off home. I didn't mean to make you upset or angry." I explain.

Elias let's out a long breath.
"Okay...I'm sorry for overreacting. I just thought you didn't want to be around me and that- it- fuck it just you know...bothered me"  Elias spits out.

Oh. He thought I didn't want to be around him.
I nodded in understand relived that this argument didn't drag on.

The situation was almost laughable he was apologizing to me earlier about being a douche and ruining my life now he was apologizing to me for overreacting because he thought I didn't want to be around him.

"Let's go inside" Elias says softly his voice no longer strained but light and airy.

I liked hearing him like this.


Where did that come from Miss Adeline ?

I opened up the car door quickly as if the fast I got out of the car the faster my thoughts and emotions would change.

Elias got out as well and waited at the hood of the car for me to get out fully and close the door. He locked the car. I walked up to him and stood in front of him. I kept my eyes on my converse.
Anything but looking at him.

Nice converse. Very dirty converse.
Uh oh. I needed new ones. But they look so aesthetically pleasing I think trying to make excuses.
No. I buy new shoes before going over to Kennas house. If my dad even gives me the money.

I'll figure something out...conversation over.

"You gonna look at me or keep staring down at your shoes ?" Elias says suddenly.
This has me whipping my head up looking at his face which has an amusing look plastered across it.

I say nothing as I look up at him.
Think of something come on an excuse or something...

My eyes wide and my breaths shallow... what do I say ?

Suddenly Elias leans down until he's face to face with me a smirk playing on his lips me and says "Am I making you nervous ?"

Oh my god.
Did he just...I cant think straight. I can't think of anything because my hearts racing a little to fast my mind rushing and blood gushing I'm pretty sure I could hear my heart beat.

I noticed how he whispered the word as if he was debating on saying it himself.

Theres butterflies in my stomach and my heart is going pitter patter.
He did this...he has that kind of affect on me.

"I- well-no...I-maybe-" I stutter not able to form a sentence. His seductive tone did something to my dialogue and ability to speak coherent words.

Good job Adeline be definitely understood what you meant. I mentally slap myself repeatedly.

I peek up at Elias through my lashes to find him trying to hold in a laugh. His face looks relaxed and softhearted. His wrinkles at the corner of his eyes and his dimples coming to show.
Dimples...I almost sigh.
I have one only on my right side it's pretty deep but Elias has two of them so deep I couldn't be more jealous.

He looks so pretty. I should tell him right ?
Maybe later I think.
I smile at Elias and he shakes his head and begins walking towards the entrance and I follow right after  him.

I can't even set my head straight long enough to walk right.
He probably thought I was a weirdo not being able to act normal after being called baby.
Oh god he called me baby I think again. My heart feels constricted again.

That word did things to me. The way he said it and the way he looked at me through hooded eyes.

I will never be able to a look someone in the eyes and use the word baby platonically ever again. The word has been ruined for me.

I sigh slightly while walking closer to Elias's tall figure. He was wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie.

I totally wasn't drooling.
Jesus Adeline he just apologized for all he's done to you.
What can I say im an easy woman I argue back with myself.
Easy woman I think repeating my words in my head...that sounds entirely wrong.

I completely banned myself from ever thinking again.
I stepped into the diner and stood directly next to Elias.
He waved his hand at the man who sat us right away not asking any questions after seeing Elias's simple movement of his limb.

I'm going to try that from now on just flick my wrist anytime I want something quick.

Ice cream...flick wrist
New phone...flick wrist
Chocolate...flick wrist
More ice cream...flick wrist
Stable household...flick- wait what.

Ummm I think I'm going to stop now before my mind gets any darker.

The man sat us in the back of the diner. This had to be the fanciest diner I've ever been in. I don't know what gave it away the fancy chandelier lights scattered all over the place or the cushioned red leather chairs. Either way this place was top notch.

After taking a quick scan of the place I looked down at the menu placed in front of me a quick scan of it had me realizing that I was probably going to have to do the dishes in the back of the kitchen if I even wanted to afford a drink in this place.

I set it down lightly and looked up at Elias fiddling with my fingers.

I wasn't really hungry anyway I had eaten at the restaurant earlier. I was hoping to get a drink but whatever.

Elias had the menu face down his hands folded and he was looking at me.


I looked back at him my eyes looking away every now and then because I wasn't mentally able to hold eye contact.

"So Adeline..." He says lowly. The way he says my voice makes my inner organs melt.

"Yes.." I say quietly.

"You're going to Kenna's this Saturday I hear..."He says and im not sure if its a question or statement.

"Yeah just to hang out." I reply simply.

Okay simple replies leads to no extra talking which means he can't make me nervous and say things like what he said earlier and then I won't stutter and embarrass myself and then proceed to feel the need to throw myself out the window to make the world a better place.

"I have a question-" Elias begins but is suddenly cut off by a leggy blonde in an folded apron who walks up towards us.

She was so pretty...her blue eyes and long blonde hair. Her low v cut shirt which had her breasts pouring out had me wishing mine looked like that.

I should ask her how she got them that big except I think she doesn't even realize i'm here because she's too busy ogling Elias.

"Hey babe..." She says.

What ?


Word Count: 1245

Thank you guys for reading. Sorry for the short chapters i'm really trying my best.

Leave your thoughts, comments and suggestions....

New update coming soon ❤️❤️

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