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As Kenna and I walked into the party I immediately noticed how packed it was.

The smell of sweat filled my nostrils as I looked around at the bodies swarming the 3 story house.
Apparently this house belonged to one of JT's friends from Maple high or should I say his parents.
Kenna clung to me and I to her as we waited by the entrance for JT to get back from parking the car.
A few seconds later I felt JT come up behind us.
"Okay we're good" He said.
JT led the way as Kenna and I walked closely behind him interlocking our elbows.
He led us into a room away from all the chaos of horny couples doing things and girls and guys alike screaming the song playing on loud speakers throughout the house.
The room had a red walls all with a black accent wall. A big pool table right in the middle. And black leather sofas all around the room.
The room looked nice and cozy. I was about to follow behind JT and Kenna until I noticed a man staring at me.
It was just my luck.
I went cold as I made eye contact with Elias who looked like he wanted to rip my head off.
My heart literally stopped in my throat.
Kenna turned back to look at me and followed my line of eyesight back to the devil staring at me.
"Oh god" She whispered.
"I didn't know Addy I swear." She said grabbing my wrist.
JT also realized.
"Fuck" He whispered.
"We can go if you want" Kenna said.
I broke eye contact looking away and breathing slowly processing everything.

I didn't know what to do. Do I make JT take me home ? Do I stay ? Do I jump him ?

If I left I would've felt like he got what he wanted and the last thing I wanted him to feel was contentment.

I stayed.

I nudged Kenna forward and we both plopped down on the leather couch opposite of where Elias was seated.

He was no longer looking at me but at the blonde leggy girl sitting in his lap.

Where did she even come from ?

JT walked towards where me and Kenna sat arriving from a bar at the back of the room. He was holding 2 red plastic cups which I knew for sure didn't have water in them.

He offered one to me.

I gave him a small smile "No thank you"

His face contorted into one of confusion as if he was stunned any one would turn down a drink.

"What the princess doesn't drink ?" Said a high pitched voice from across me.

I leaned forward to the right to catch a better view and it was none other than the girl splayed across Elias's lap who had something to say.

I ignored her.

That's what I did best...

My self loathing only increased.

Good job Kenna!! I told myself sarcastically.

"Did you not hear meeee ?" The girls says again slurring her words...


No I heard you I just don't have the guts to tell you that the reason I dont drink is because my alcoholic abusive father has given a very bad point of view of what Alcohol can do to you so I prefer to stay away..

But I didn't instead I just said " No reason, I'm just not in the mood" I said blatantly.

I tried calming myself down. My shaking hands and my rising pulse.

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