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I decided to get up from bed after Elias basically dragged me out, his bed is just too comfortable.

I went into the bathroom and after brushing my teeth and attempting to handle my unruly hair I picked up my discarded clothes from yesterday and put on the jeans and sweater. I settled for a high ponytail and stole a pair of socks from Elias since I threw mine in the laundry I put them on quickly before slipping out of his room.

It didn't matter if I threw my dirty clothes in his laundry because I guess I was staying here now. I should probably ask him again if its okay to but I couldn't contain my happiness the thought of living with Elias jumpstarted an exciting thrum in my chest.

I mean we definitely skipped a whole lot of steps but he was only trying to keep me safe and honestly I didn't mind one bit.

I had to ask him about my dad though, as much as I told myself that I didn't care he was still my dad.

Elias left the room before me and as I made my way down the very expansive marble covered hallway the smell of pancakes and eggs crept up into my nose and my mouth watered.

I hurried my steps down the hallway before I turned the corner and the early morning light from the towering windows poured into the living room and kitchen.

The kitchen where a very handsome and a very shirtless dark haired man was cooking breakfast. I watched him whisk something in a bowl his hands clearly very skilled. The look of focus on his face made me smile slightly.

I stood there admiring him and how he was trying to set everything up. He set two plates and two cups and started pouring the coffee.

I decided to stop stalking and instead made my presence known. I walked up to where the two stools in the kitchen had the plates in front of them.

Elias looked up from where he was pouring the coffee he ran his gaze up and down my length and I shied back a little from his lingering stare on my neck and then my lips.

"così bello" He says meeting my eyes.

Translation: So Beautiful

My breath catches in my throat at the foreign language coming out of his mouth and the way his eyes never leave mine.

I drop my eyes to the counter where I notice the coffee overflowing the cup.

"Elias the coffee!" I say hurriedly a giggle escaping me.

"Fuck." Elias mumbles before turning around to get paper towel but instead he see the eggs he had made had burned as well evident since there was billow of smoke arising from the pan.

He stands there in disbelief.

I can't help my laughter as I turn around from the counter and put my hand against Elias's stomach in order to reach around and grab the roll of paper towel. I don't miss he way his stomach contracts and how the movement makes me shiver.

I rip off a couple and then make my way to the stove and shut it off since the eggs have suffered long enough.

I turn back around and Elias is looking at me disappoint settled on his face.

"Let me help you Elias." I say to him softly and then I put the paper towel over the spill letting it soak up all the coffee.

"I was trying to make us breakfast." He says lowly his face unsure.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 18 ⏰

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