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"Sooo anything happened while I was gone" Kenna asks while a smirk is plastered on her face as she kept her eyes forward on the road.

We were heading over to her house to hangout. I was freaking out internallyMy first freaking hangout at a friends house like oh my god. I almost forgot about the yesterday nights events.

"Um well basically some waitress at the diner that Elias and I went too because he was hungry and hadn't eaten so we went...to the diner I mean anyways the waitress she was super nice actually no she wasn't ...anyway then she sort of slammed the pasta down onto the table and dirtied my shirt by accident actually wait no i think it was on purpose...anyway after that I asked for the bathroom and she took me and sort confronted me saying she wanted Elias and how he was hers which didn't make sense cause if he was hers she wouldn't have to be doing that. Then she pushed me against the wall called me bad words and said bad things and I was really hurt physically I mean because I was already hurt before that and she made it worse and hurt me some more so yeah."

I purposefully left out the part of her being very touchy with Elias so Kenna didn't think i cared or anything.

I didn't though.


I let out the longest breath and took a peak at Kenna. Her face was completely turned towards me her mouth dropped and eyes wide.

"Kenna the road!" I shrieked.

"Adeline fucking Rose I am going to kill you." Kenna yelled focusing back on the road after someone drove past us beeping at her.

Uh oh.

"Why ?" I squeaked out

"You let some bitch hit you not to mention talk to you like that...the fuck did she say anyway ?"

Oh nothing just that Elias was hers...something about me being a virgin and that I wasn't good enough in other things to speak in a finer manner. Not that it mattered Elias would never go for me so its completely fine.

Yeah completely okay.

"It's not important." I mumbled.

"Not important my ass...oooo I would've fucked her up so bad." Kenna says mumbling incoherent things while throwing imaginary punches in the air.

I chuckled at the thought of Kenna's small frame in a fight.

Crazy girl.

"No wonder Elias was loosing his mind- "

I turned to look at her...

"What do you mean ?"

Kenna once again bulges her eyes out and smiles awkwardly.

"Hahaha oh nothing he just...ahahahaha" Kenna continues doing what I presume is her attempt at a laugh.

"Ohhh he's gonna fucking kill me." She mumbles.

"Why would he do that ?" I ask thoroughly confused now.

"Ahahaha nothing...oh look we're here" She says in an overly happy tone.

She pulls into a driveway and oh my god her house is absolutely amazing it almost makes me forgot the last part of our conversation.

Note: Ask Kenna about weird laughs and why Elias is going to kill her.

I slowly open the door and step out the car never taking my eyes away from the victorian house. I mean it was absolutely beautiful. The house was painted a rustic white that gave a vintage vibe as well as the old fountain sitting in the middle of the circular driveway.

"Welcome to my humble abode" Kenna mutters.

"Your house is amazing Kenna I mean seriously beautiful." I say to her still in awe.

I'm trying not to be weird it's just seeing Elias's house or whatever it was and then seeing Kenna's house kind of makes you think about your own living situation.

I knew I shouldn't be but I was totally embarrassed of my home and where I lived. Not that I lived in a bad neighborhood. my house was once a place full of happiness and life and then after mom died my dad sort of used the house as his outlet before he found something better...


"Come on in the boys will be here soon." Kenna says walking quickly to the front of the house and turning to look at me.

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at Kenna directly in the eyes and said.

"Wait what ?"

To be continued...


First off sorry for being gone for so long. I am officially back to my normal schedule and will be uploading often.

HOWEVERRR this is a filler chapter and I will be writing sort of like a part 2 to this chapter that will be longer and way more interesting.

Sorry <333

Anyways happy reading!!

I'm sorry again about the short chapter.

Bye loveliessss

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