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She continues to work on some things on her computer, but she didn't actually get anything done.

Because she couldn't stop thinking about him or the way he kissed that woman yesterday.

She wasn't sure if she liked him or if she just wanted to have sex with him.

Someone knocks on her door.

*Please don't let it be Miguel or maybe let it be him. I don't fucking know.* she thinks.

"Come in!" she shouts.

"García I need you to read this invitation and tell me if it's good or not?" he walks to her and hands her a letter.

"Why can't Lyla do this? She is a literal computer."

"Just read it for fucks sake."

Leyla reads it.

"Aww you're having a birthday party?" she sarcastically smiles at him.

"No, stupid. It's a surprise party for Peter. Because Jess is forcing me to make one for him since he made one for me too." he says kinda annoyed.

"Oh for a second I thought you were sweet but nevermind. Yeah it's not bad, I suppose." she says as she hands him his letter.

Their fingers touch gently as he takes the letter.

"What do you mean you "suppose", so it's not good?"

"Well you could be a bit more clear that it's not you birthday but Peter's." she smiles.

"Ugrh can't you just write it for me." he says as he hands hse the letter again.

"What do I get for it?" she asks.

"Anything you want, hermosa." he whispers while smirking.

She blushes but tries to hide it.

Leyla rips the letter out of his hand.

"Ugh fine, but get out!" she says.

"Don't I have to stay to tell you what to write?" he says.

"Yes, I guess." she sighs before turning arpund in her chair and smiling.

*Why the hell am I smiling. I need to stop that right now.* she thinks.

Leyla starts to type into her computer.

"I hope that I'll see you in your red dress again." he smirks.

"I can't wear the same thing two parties in a row." she says as she continues to type.

"Why not? You look hot in it." he smiles.

She blushes.

"Can you just let me work?"

"Sure thing." Miguel says before sitting down on a chair.

"You know we never talked about that kiss a couple of days ago." he says.

*Ofcourse he had to bring it up.* she thinks.

"Uhhh yeah it was a mistake." she says akwardly as she continues to type.

"Really? I didn't think so, but alright." he says caring that she thought it was a mistake.

"Mhm." she hums.

After a while of akward silence she finally finishes the invitation and turns around.

"There you go. Now get out."

He takes it and their fingers touch again.

Miguel looks her deep in the eyes.

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