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Leyla finishes her first drink.

Miguel sits down three seats away from her at the bar not seeing her and loosens his tie.

Miguel sits down three seats away from her at the bar not seeing her and loosens his tie

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(This is what Miguel is wearing)

God he looks good in that shirt.
His arms are slightly to big for the shirt tho.

"Two shots of vodka." he says to the bartender.

Ley looks at him in anger before downing her second drink.

"Can I get..... another one of..... those I had before?" she says to the bartender.

The bartender nods.

"García? Are you drunk?" Miguel asks as he sits down next to her.

"How... about you.... leave me alone?" she says completely drunk.

"God, you gotta get home." he says as he shakes his head.

"Since.... when do you..... care?"

"Alright you find your way home then, García." he takes the shots and stand up.

"Please wait. Help me." she says as she grabs his shirt and pulls him to her.

"Babe why do take so long?" the random woman Miguel was making out with asks as she takes her shot.

*Babe? I'll shove that "babe" up her ass.* Ley thought to herself.

"I gotta get her home." Miguel says as he downs his shot.

God his adams apple moves so nice.

"Oh so this... girl is more important than me?" she looks at Leyla with a disgusting look on her face.

Leyla didn't say anything because she wanted to see what Miguel would say.

Miguel makes quick eye contact with Leyla.
"Yes, cause she's my Coworker and I don't even know you." Miguel says.

*Did I just get ultra mega friendzoned?* Ley thought to herself.

"Don't you dare to call me to hookup with me ever again. You giant male slut." she says as she leaves.

"Geez." Leyla says.

Miguel laughs.

*He laughed? I never seen him even smile before.* she thought.

"Let's get you to your room." he says before he grabs your crutches.

He helps her to stand up and puts her arm over his shoulder and his hand on her waist.

Leyla blushes.

"You look really great tonight. I would have loved to dance with you." he says as he starts ro walk.

"Well... I'm... disabled." she says.

"I can tell." he says softly.

"You... mmm... smell... great." Ley smiles.

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