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She arrives at her office and sighs in embarrassment.
Why was she blushing?
Why was he smirking?
Did she like him?
No, she despises him.
He despises her.
She's just shy.

It's now 10 pm.
She continues to do some more work in her office while eating her just ordered takeout.

Her Gizmo starts ringing.
It was Miguel.
Why is he calling her?
She answers the call.
"Come to my office." he demands.
He hangs up.
She rolls her eyes and stands up from her chair.

Ley arrives at his door.
She takes a deep breath in before knocking.
"Come in, García!" he shouted across the room.
She opens the door and closed it behind her.
"Wanna tell me now why you need me?"
"Yeah you gotta go on a mission."
"What do I need to do?" she asks.
He has his back turned towards her.
She's happy about that.
"Gotta fight a monster called Carnage."
"You mean the red venom?"
He turns around facing her.

Miguel face screams for sleep.

"You know him?" he asks.
"No, just read some comics."
"Nerd." he whispers.
"I said go. You have to catch him and bring him here."
"Which universe is he in?" she says before looking into her wath ready to type.
"He's in universe 688."
She types it into her Gizmo before opening a portal.
He watches her disappear into the portal.

She comes out of the portal arriving in a city that looked just like her New York.
Something growls in the distance.
Ley swings towards the growl.

She stops on a building and looks down to see a red Venom in an alleyway just like she has seen in the comics.
Carnage was clearly fighting with his owner over who gets the power.
Until Carnage looked up right at Leyla.
She hid immediately.
She thought if she hid they couldn't see her but unfortunately she heard it crawl up the side of the building.
Leyla took off running as she could her Carnage run and growl behind her.
Carnage ripped off a chimney and threw it towards her.
She jumped just in time for it to slide beneath her.
Eventually she got more and more tired of the endless running and jumping over many buildings.
As she slowed down while Carnage picked up his  pace.
It didn't take him long before being right behind her she could feel his breath.
She continues to run before quickly standing still closely in front of a edge that drops deep into an alleyway.
Carnage couldn't stop soon enough and fell down.
As he was falling he scratched open her stomach.
"Ay, coño!!" she says as she holds onto her stomach.
Not even 30 seconds after Carnage fell she could already hear him climb up the walls on all fours like an animal.
She shoots many webs down towards him.
Just a few of her webs actually hit Carnage.
Ley couldn't properly shoot because of the insane pain she was in.
She got the idea to throw the chimney he threw at her at him.
Thankfully the chimney hit him.
He fell down to the floor.
She jumped down to him.
It was just his owner now.

"If you cooperate, I won't hurt you." she says.
He got up and reached his hand out.
Ley thought he wanted to shake her hand.
Before she knew it, he hits her across the face.
She fell onto the floor.

Leyla wanted to get up, but before she did Carnage's owner jumped onto her ankle.
The sound of her bone breaking echoed in the alleyway.
"AHHH!" she screams out in pain.
Out of anger and pain she shot so many webs at him, he was sticky to the wall.
"You sick fuck!" she curses.
She opens a portal and throws him through.

Leyla arrived at the headquarters.
"Hey, can you put him away for me?" she asks a random Spiderperson that walked past.
They nodded their head and took him.

She's in so much pain, she whimpers everytime she moves.

Finally she arrives at the nursery only to find it filled with Spiderpeople.
There were so many that there was a line forming.

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