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Once she left, I let out a deep breath I didn't even know my body was holding in. Leo turns to me. "Now what?" I sigh. "All I know is that she's right." I say walking to the gym. I hear Leo following behind me. "Lorenzo, what is she right about?" I open our indoor gym doors. "We are the strongest mafia. We have a lot of enemies, and she could get hurt." I turn to face Leo.

"Yeah I get that Enzo." I shake my head and turn back around and grab my boxing gloves. "A part of me also wanted to know what she meant. What does she mean by any more enemies, and about her dead parents killed somehow."

I see Leonardo's eyes go wide. "Woah, woah, woah. You dug up information about her already?" I nod as I strap the velcro around my wrists, securing the gloves. "Lorenzo, let me ask you something." I groan in annoyance. "Please don't."

"Just deal with it. Lorenzo... why do you care so much?" I walk over to the punching bags. "Care about what, Leonardo?" I throw a right hook at the bag hard. "You know what I'm talking about, Non essere un idiota. Why do you care so much about her?" (Don't be a dumbass.)

What he says puts me on edge and I lay an even harder left punch to the side of the punching bag. "Non sono affari tuoi." (That's none of your damn business.)

He scoffs. "Actually Lorenzo ,it is my business. You're the don here, also soon you will need an heir. You know how father is." I grunt in anger while I throw one last, hard punch. I turn around, furious. "You know what Leonardo. I don't need your shit right now. Leave this and her be. She will make the decision so stay out of it. Father can say all he wants to, but I will not marry nor have a child with someone I don't love so just shut up!"

He nods his head. "Fine, whatever. Have it your way. Just know that when father comes tomorrow. He's going to be pissed as usual. I'm just trying to understand, and help. For once, could you control your anger?!"

I rip the gloves off my hands. "Look at you right now Leo! You are the exact same! We are twins and we both have anger issues! And I know about father! Just let me figure it out on my own okay?!" I walk out the gym, rage running through my veins.

It's true. I get angry very fast and so does Leonardo. It comes from our father. He's always been cold hearted and treated us like shit. I despise him. He doesn't care about our feelings that much and wants me to marry and have a kid.

If Alexandro was in my body right now, he would be fucking a girl right now to blow off steam. I personally think that's stupid. But right now, I'm so pissed that I just might.

I speed walk to my room angrily as I run my fingers through my hair, not paying attention. Something collides with my lower body and I hear a thud. Whatever it is, I just knocked it down. Great. Another thing I have to replace because I break things a lot.

I look down and see Sofia on the ground, sitting on her butt as she rubs her forehead. "Ow Enzo!" My baby sister shouted at me. I sigh and reach down, picking her up. "I'm sorry Sof." I kiss her forehead as I walk to her room. She rests her head on my chest as I open her door. I walk us to her bed and put Sofia down on it. "Take a nap Sofia. You have school tomorrow." She nods as I tuck her in.

I leave her room and stride back to mine. I need to get a grip. I reach for my doorknob when all of a sudden, I hear my phone ring. I groan in annoyance and grip the handle until my knuckles turn white while I pull out my phone and answer it. "Cosa vuoi?!" I shout as I practically throw myself on my bed. ("What do you want?!")

"Now that is no way to speak to your mother, Lorenzo Vince Romano!" My eyes widen at my outburst I just threw at my mom. "I'm sorry mom. It has just been a rough day." I say while I run my hand through my black hair.

"Fine, I will dismiss it. How is your sister?" My mother has always been a sweet and caring soul. She is a very bubbly and bright person. My father on the other hand is the complete opposite. He is very strict, cold, and closed off. I don't know what the hell my mom saw and still sees in that asshole.

"She is fine. I told her to get some rest for school tomorrow." She hums in response. "Well your father and I are coming at 8pm for dinner tomorrow." I sigh. "Yes I know mom." She doesn't respond for a good moment. "Lorenzo... you know your father wants an heir as soon as possible."

Here we go again with this bullshit.

"Yes, but I'm not ready and I don't have anyone I love deeply." She sighs in defeat. "Honey, you know that he will find you one if you don't choose for yourself... you know I don't want this for you. I don't want you to force your relationship with a girl. I don't want you to force the marriage so fast. I don't want you to rush into a family... I don't want you to be unhappy Lorenzo."

If I had emotions, I would be tearing right now. But my eyes stay as dry as my heart. "Mom, I don't want that either. I want to be loved. But after..." I look to the ground as I try to find the words to express the hurt and hatred I have. All because of my father. And her...

"I know honey, I know." I hear her sniffle on the other end of the line. My mom gets emotional for me, and I hate it. I hate seeing my mom cry. The only woman I truly give a damn about, besides my baby sister.

"Dear? Are you talking to Lorenzo?" I hear my father speak in her background. "Yes dear." I hear footsteps through the phone. "I need to talk to him."

I scoff. "Tell him we don't need to talk about anything. Bye mom, I love you." Are the last words I said before I hung up. I run my hands through my hair again. I do it when I'm stressed, angry, frustrated, basically whenever I have my problems overwhelm me.

I get up and walk over to the door that leads to my balcony and I pull out my cigarette buds. I take out my lighter and light the end of the bud while the other I place in my mouth. I smoke when I don't want to deal with shit anymore.

I take one long drag of it and exhale, feeling the relief wash over me. She did this to me. The pain and hurt Olivia caused me made me turn to smoking. I was so heart broken... I am so heart broken. So broken that I don't think I can ever be fixed again. I take another long pull of the cigarette and exhale, closing my eyes as I let the smoke take over the pain in me.

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