while waiting they all sat on the big couch together till everyone doesn't come,
After they sat and before they would start saying/talking there eyes landed on some peice of paper lying on table,
They looked at e/o amd then paper randomly picking it up they saw as guessed it was the same paper or form which they had heared about from the conversation last night and in the morning before Taehyung leaved for college.
But there was something strange in the form though it was simple form which is usually filled in colleges/universities/schools for any competition but what cought there eyes was the name written on it, it was "KIM TAEHYUNG"

They didn't know what to say at this like what is this in front of their eyes they just looked at e/o frowning.

Seokjin : I don't think its possible to right wrong name?

Hoseok : Is it like ummm so what is it we are seeing now then.

Yoongie : Or is he faking his identity at college.

Namjoon : Why would he i mean whats the need but that only seems to be one of the few reasons or cases for what we are seeing on this paper.

Jimin : So should we ask someone about it.

Jungkook : I don't know about others but i am sure dad is aware of it and may be others too.

But then Howon, Sadao and Dae Hyun arrived and they decided to leave the topic for now and let it be.

Later Yuna told Aari to transfer those papers to Taehyung's room so that they don't went Missing since she also heared that it was for the competition and she cares for everyone.

After Taehyung came back-

Yuna : So how was your day Tae baby.

Taehyung : I-its was good.

Yuna : Hmm oh btw i sended your papers in your room by Aari, so that it won't went missing.

Taehyung : T-thank you.......M-Mom.

Yuna : Its okay baby you don't need to thank me.

Later on the day went same.


Today Taehyung would be submitting those papers at college for participation,
It is morning time Taehyung came downstairs like always there was no one around till he won't reach dining room he had his mobile in his hands using it he reached near dining hall he was about to put his phone in his pocket but it accidentally slipped from his hands but before it could fall down Taehyung catched it further holding it properly he started putting it in his pocket standing at a distance out of dinning room he heared something from the way he was heading to a few seconds ago something that caught his attention.

*But what it is ?*


Howon, Yuna and BTS had already gathered in the dining room for breakfast while waiting for others to come today Aari was also gonna had breakfast with them, neither Taehyung nor anyone else then those present there had arrived yet.
At that time BTS looked at e/o and nodded, actually they had a question to ask H&Y.
Then as they had decided accordingly they continued.

Namjoon : Papa, Mamma can we ask you a question.

Hope : If you all don't mind.

*Aari was also there*

Howon : Yes go ahead what is it ask.

Jimin : We wanted to ask as if like is Taehyung adopted or something.

Howon stopped here his question and he was sure all of them wanted to ask this question.
Yuna and Aari to stopped they both were standing near the dining table checking if everything is okay or not .
But now they looked at BTS,

Loved By Six Mafia Kings (tae x bts)Where stories live. Discover now