Ch-47 'Nightmare'

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Going down at night for dinner, they hears the sound of his giggles, making them hault in their actions. As they hears more of it.

They sees a maid coming up as she bows to them. Later going she knocks on his room's door. When opened by him, she informs him that Yuna was calling him downstairs for dinne. Taehyung tells her to leave as he also disappears in his room without noticing their presence, the door left slightly ajar.

"S-Stop already, you're making me embarrassed. I-It ain't like t-that" They hears Taehyung slight whining. If with them they would've found him the cutest thing possible even though he still was but now the question was- who was he talking to?

"What? Now? You wanna do video call now?" Taehyung asks his eyes doe as he walks in his room. His view disappearing & appearing. Making them more curious at the sentence.

"No, I can't maybe later. I've to go down for dinner now, but why though?" Taehyung speaks a pout forming on his face at the name of going down- who was it?

"W-What you wanna see my b-blushing face No! I-I ain't blushing okay." They raises there eyebrows hearing the sentence feeling their hearts burning.

"I-I am cutting the call now Bye."

"Okay will try but you know na Dad & all, everyone would be there."

"Yeah same to you.... enough stop teasing me already, Byee." With that Taehyung cuts the call. They sees through the small space that his face was turned red.

After that Taehyung didn't appeared. They stands there to see if he appears again but he didn't. An uneasy feeling rising up their hearts.

After a while they leaves for downstairs. Sitting down they waits & after a few minutes they sees him coming down not looking up.

The whole time their eyes fixed on him, as they sees him occasionally chatting and putting his phone down again as he would glance at Sadao & others whilst doing so.

Their hearts burning as he blushes looking at his phone. A small smile forming on his lips occasionally.

"You don't know Dad how they had reacted that day. You should've been here to see it." Yuna continues sitting with Jaunji discussing about something very important. As Jaunji sips on his coffee & Yuna on his green tea.

"They were literally going crazy at the fact that he might've gotten hurt." Yuna continues about the day they were attacked.

"Hmm so they aren't even caring about hiding it." JaunJi hums taking another sip, thinking.

"Exactly, and even three days ago didn't we all saw how furiously Taehyung was blushing at dining table when Haneul had mentioned about paints on their hands." Sang continues nodding.

"Only i know how i had controlled my laugh. Taehyung's face had turned completely red like a tomato & he hadn't looked up at anyone the rest of the time, and the most funny part was that he had served himself salad when we all know how much he hates eating it." Aari speaks laughing at that night.

"(Chuckles) Even Howon was laughing later at that after dinner when we all know how difficult it is to make Howon laugh."

Aari : On the other hand them. They're always acting so tough & all, and doesn't usually takes off their coats just like that- had came with their sleeves rolled up with paint on it.

Sang : Their eyes were fixed on him from the moment they had entered. Perhaps for him too see, & how they were glaring at eachother. They had even fucking smiled looking at his blushing face & antics. And then they had skipped that important meeting too that day when they never does that no matter what. And I'm sorry for cursing like i had too.

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