Ch-28 'Strawberries'

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We were coming from our mission & were really exhausted it was really tiring our enemies had attacked one of our bases in seoul a few days ago though our mans had handled it perfectly without us when we had reached there our enemies mans were already down,
But how dare he do so don't he know who he is messing with, so we needed to take care of it and so that's what we did we attacked three bases of his in total so two bases were handled by our mans and the third one which is also there main base were attacked by us personally,
After we attacked there we fought for them though there coward boss ran away to save his life cause everyone knows what happens to those who tries to mess with 'Us'.

After fighting for like few hours we told our mans to completely destroy there all three bases and then we finaly decided to head home after the mission when we were done we had some fight injuries but we are used to them,
Jackson also went to his own home we asked him to come with us but he said that his 'Baby' must be waiting for him worried so he didn't came we can't sometimes believe how can someone change this much before he was cold and dangerous and just like us though he is still like that but he is completely whipped for his husband we can't believe our eyes and we don't think we can become like this for someone or anyone like never and ever,

We headed to home and now we just wanted to sleep and sleep after this tiring day after a long drive we finally reached home and quickly headed inside while driver was parking our limo, we didn't rang the bell as to not disturb others and unlocked the door with passward and we went inside opening the door not fully as whats the need to?

*Since they are Top Mafias they are extremely quiet*

"Uhh iur room and bed is calling us we just wanna sleep now" they thought.

As we were walking extremely tired we suddenly heard some sounds and we stopped at our track and looked at eachother frowning it wasn't us surely,

Then we again heard those sounds it was something no not exactly something it was someone..... We heard the sound again....someone was....... moaning.


We looked at e/o 😳,

And the sound came again-

??? : Mmmm.

Someone was literally moaning and its the first we are hearing someone like this at Jeon Mansion so publically like it can't be Mama&Papa no no noway what are we even thinking shuu shuu,
Then Dad&Eomma no they also can't be then who the he-

??? : Hmmm.

So who the hell is this moaning so sexily ooh god just the sound is turning us on we bet we have never heard someone's moan to be this sexy its literally turning us- ooh No No No no-

??? : Uuhhh.

We looked at e/o gulping and followed the sound slowly,

As we moved further and in the main area of living room from where the sounds were coming and still are we moved our gazes at couches from where another moan came from and we saw

We saw him, We Saw Him, he was sitting on one of the couches in front of us and he was eating strawberries? While maoning,

He was maoning while eating strawberries quite opposite to what we have thought of-

He was maoning while eating strawberries quite opposite to what we have thought of-

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