Chapter 6: Someone Knows

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"Honestly, I think she likes Chat Noir," Alya told him.

She likes me and me? She likes me, and superhero me? Adrien's head was spinning. He needed time to process this. And figure out what this means for him.

Standing up he hugged Alya, "Thank you for the news" he said. Right after, he sprinted off and out of the cafeteria.

Alya had a look of pure confusion, plastered onto her face. Turning her head over to Nino, she was hoping he had an answer for the blond's weird behavior.

"Don't look at me," Nino said to his girlfriend. The two just sat there, finishing up their lunch, wondering where the hell Adrien ran off to.


With the sunset in view, Ladybug took her seat at the top of the school building, right next to Chat Noir, meeting up right after patrol.

They sat in a comfortable silence, but Ladybug was struggling to keep her composure around the black cladded hero. His interactions with her civilian form fresh in her mind.

Swinging her legs back and forth off the building, she casually said, "Sooooo Chat, whatcha been up to?" as she eagerly waited for his response.

"I thought we weren't allowed to talk about our civilian lives, M'lady," Chat said, his eyes still on the sunset.

Why did that nickname give her such butterflies, she'd heard it a million times before, but now it felt different. And the question being if it's a good difference, or a difference that means trouble.

Still wanting to hear from Chat, she said, "Well then, what's Chat been up to?", emphasizing the fact she's asking about his superhero persona.

She could see him thinking as he tapped his finger to his chin, and she swore that she saw him blush, deep in his thought. Finally looking over to Ladybug, he started talking. "You know that akuma you couldn't make it to?" he said, Ladybug nodding along, "well, I visited Marinette to give her back the sketchbook she lost in the fight" he told her.

Playing dumb, Ladybug asked him, "Who's Marinette? I don't think I've met her before".

Chat thought about it for a second, and then realized how it doesn't seem that Ladybug's met Marinette. Placing his hands on the roof, he swung his feet in the air, acting like a teenage girl talking on the phone on her bed. "Well, she's incredibly pawsome to hang around, and her family has the most purrrfect baker in all of Paris!" he explained, dreamily sighing in the process. Clearly noticeable to Ladybug.

"It sounds like you like this Marinette" she teased, giggling at the notion.

Chat's face flushed as he scrambled to try and find a way to explain that it wasn't like that - when it clearly was.

Ladybug saw how worried he got, and told him, "Don't worry, I'm just messing with ya", causing him to nervous laugh, feeling relieved when the subject got dropped.

Looking at his wrist, Chat then said, "Look at the time, I've got to go study physics, which this cat's got in the bag, until next time".

As she watched him run off above the rooftops, she paused for a second, "wait, he doesn't wear a watch". Smiling to herself, she couldn't help but think, he's such a goofball.

Leaping through the fresh night, Ladybug landed on her balcony. Looking around to see if there were any civilians around, she determined it was safe to de-transform.

What she didn't see though, was the figure lurking in the shadows of the alley near her house. Quietly, the figure said to himself, "She's even more perfect than I could've imagined".

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