Dancing in the dark

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Marinette thought back to her time with Luka. He really is a great guy, and he deserves someone with the same melody, and some day he'll meet her, she knows it. As she was heading back to her house, she could feel someone watching her. She wished she took Luka up on his offer to walk her home.

When she was finally able to see the bakery she saw a stray cat on her balcony, and when he saw her he came down to say hello. "Well good evening princess" he said kissing the back of her hand. Even though he's done it a million times before it always makes her blush. "If you'd let me I'd like to show you something" He reaches his hand out waiting for her to take it. Marinette was very curious as to what he wanted to show her. Chat watched Marinette as she looked up at him with wide eyes, smiling as she took his hand. Chat hoped she couldn't hear his heartbeat, as it was picking up pace quickly.

"Ok, hold on" he said as he swept up Marinette, carrying her like a princess. She made a little noise, surprised by being picked up. As he jumped from balcony to balcony she couldn't help but notice the difference she felt, not being in her superhero suit. Chat loved the warmth he felt as she held on tighter, excited for the surprise he planned.

When they arrived to the top of the Eiffel tower Chat said "We're here". Marinette then let go, instantly regretting not feeling the warmth, as Chat too wished she had stayed in his arms. "Wow, it's, it's so beautiful" she said, admiring the view, even though she's seen it a million times before. "It really is isn't it" Chat said, but he wasn't staring at Paris, he was staring at the girl in front of him.

Marinette turned around expecting Chat to be looking at the view, but he was looking at her. His eyes were electrifying, his smile sweet, not like those cheesy smirks he usually gives, and his hair was a bit messy from the wind, but it was adorable. Marinette was feeling brave, and walked up to Chat, holding out her hand, and he took it as she assisted him in standing up.

When Chat stood up he was extremely close to Marinette, he looked down at her, and she was looking up at him. She's so beautiful. Her eyes filled with wonder, and her features looked ethereal in the moonlight. He just wanted to kiss her senseless, to finally be able to tell her that it's him, it's Adrien.

"May I have this dance", the question surprised him, but he was grateful for it. "Give me one sec" Chat said. Then he set his baton on the floor, playing him and Marinette's song, well Marinette and Adrien's song. He could see Marinette was a bit surprised, but he took her hands, placing them around his neck while wrapping his hands around her waist.

They weren't sure how long they had been dancing, but they never wanted it to end. They fit together, like two puzzle pieces. Chat grabbed one of her hands, twirling Marinette to the music, and when she came back into him, arms entangled with each other, all he could do was look at her lips, but fear kept him from making a move, for he knew that Marinette might not feel the same way, and he couldn't live without her in his life in some way.

A bit later as they were swaying to the music, he had noticed Marinette was starting to fall asleep. "C'mon Mlady, I'll take you home" Chat said picking her up, and she was so tired she didn't even realize he had used his name for ladybug.

The ride back had woken Marinette up a bit and she got to thinking. She was a bit sad that chat didn't make a move, but it was still an amazing night. When Chat set her down on her balcony the said "Thank you, I really enjoyed tonight" as she gave him her biggest smile, which he returned.

She took a step towards him hoping to find out how he was feeling, but ended up tripping. She awaited the ground which never came. When she opened her eyes she saw Chat holding her with his arms wrapped around her waist. "Marinette, are you ok?" Chat said alarmed, wanting to make sure she didn't injure herself. For Marinette it was just too much, the way he was looking at her, the way she feels about him, and before she knew it she kissed him.

She grabbed his face and leaned in, Kissing him on the lips. He didn't even have time to register what was happening, but when he did, he closed his eyes and kissed back. He pulled her as close to him as humanly possible, pouring every unsaid thought and feeling into the kiss. It was sweet, and they stayed like that for a while, and then... Chat Noir's ring started to beep.

They slowly pulled away as Chat brought her upright on her feet. He was still stunned, not knowing what to say, for he still thought she liked someone else. Marinette was still in a bit of a daze when they pulled out of the kiss. Then when she realized what she did, she felt really nervous. She then clumsily made her way back to the trap door while saying, "I- I had a lot of f-fun tonight, he he, s-see yo-ou tomorrow" accidentally knocking her head on the trap door as she closed the hatch. Chat just watched the whole thing with a goofy smile, knowing the Marinette was a blushing mess because of him.

On his way home he was on top of the world, and nothing could bring him down. When he transformed back in his room he somewhat quietly yelled, "Plagg, I'm in love!" "She's just the most amazing girl ever!". Plagg just watched in amusement, for he really enjoyed seeing his chosen this happy, he finally got the girl of his dreams.

Back at Marinette's she was a hot mess. "Tikki, what did I do? What if he didn't like it. And what if he thinks I'm weird, what if Chat never wants to talk to me again!" Tikki wish her owner understood that Chat has liked her for a while, she could tell. "Marinette, relax he kissed you back didn't he? I'm sure he'll come back as soon as posible" Tikki responded. "You know what, you're right tikki, this was the best night ever, isn't it funny though that the song he chose was the same as me and adriens song?" Tikki just laughed, but realized how dense Marinette was being, of course he chose that song, he is adrien she wanted to say.

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