Chapter 9: A Fresh Start

Start from the beginning

After taking more twists and turns throughout the compound than Anna could even begin to remember, the pair finally found themselves in a long hallway with multiple doors lining each side of the aisle. Eric stopped in front of one of the doors in the center and held a key out to Anna. 

"Welcome home." 

Annabelle smiled wide and quickly unlocked the door before bolting inside, immediately in awe of the large and open space that surrounded them. 

"This whole place is mine?!" 

"Maybe. If you accept my next offer." 

Annabelle turned to face Eric with a mischievous grin on her face. She slowly walked back towards Eric who watched her with a cocky grin of his own as she came to a stop just in front of his person. 

"And what offer would that be?" 

"These living quarters are for leadership. You finished top of your class. As such, you get offered first. So, what do you say?" 

"I don't know, Eric. Do you think I'd be any good at it?" 

"It's not as hard of a job as it seems. Mainly it's just weekly meetings, we help place everyone else in their jobs, and each leader manages a different portion of Dauntless life. I think you'd be perfect for the job." 

Annabelle blushed slightly at the comment, but Eric would have none of her bashfulness. 

"Hey. I mean it. You deserve the spot. You've earned it. Take the job, baby girl, please." 

Annabelle's posture sagged a bit as she contemplated saying yes. Part of her really wanted to take the position. Even she couldn't deny that after everything she had been through to get to this point, she did deserve the position. Sensing her hesitation though, Eric wrapped his arms around her waist and moved in close to place his lips to Annabelle's neck, causing the woman to lose her train of thought. 


"If it's any incentive, my room is just two doors down." 

Annabelle chuckled lightly as Eric continued to work on her neck, her own arms wrapping around his neck to keep him close while still trying to think logically about the job offer. But as Eric's hands began to trail lower and lower down her backside, she found all sense of logic completely leaving her mind. 

"Alright. You win. I'll take the job." 

Annabelle felt Eric smile against her neck as he pulled her body even tighter against his before suddenly lifting her off the ground and spinning her around the room excitedly, causing Annabelle to let out a squeal of surprise which was like music to Eric's ears. It almost scared Eric how much he loved Annabelle, and he didn't realize just how different, just how complete, he felt with her now compared to the last year without her. He never wanted to feel so empty ever again. 

"Okay! Okay, Eric let me down before I throw up all over you." 

Eric chuckled at Annabelle's dramatics but didn't feel like risking it anyways. Upon returning Annabelle to the ground, the woman continued to wander throughout her new apartment again, admiring all of the space that was now completely hers. After walking throughout the house a few times over, a frown found its way to Anna's face which did not go unnoticed by Eric. 

"What's wrong, baby?" 

"Is there any chance I can do some redecorating? It's a little more grey than I care for." 

Eric eyed Annabelle carefully after finishing her statement, looking for any sign of real discontent or anxiety. He saw a little, but the small, reassuring smile that she gave him when she noticed his own concern on his face told him that she was doing everything she could to get through it. It was her own way of telling him that she'd be okay, eventually. Eric smiled back, letting her know that he wouldn't push the issue unless it became a problem at a later date, and finally responded to her earlier question. 

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