33. Better off as Enemies

Start from the beginning

“And stop letting Derrick push you around” he gave me a complicated look. “Yes, I see what he does to you. Treating you like his minion. You should stand up to him”

“Haha! You make it sound like I'm being bullied”

“You are, obviously. As long as he doesn't treat you like an equal, you should walk away from him no matter what you're benefitting from him. Is it dance partnership? You can do it on your own or better yet, you can find someone” I told him seriously.

He chewed on his lip thoughtfully. “You will agree to dance with me, right?”

I honestly wasn't expecting that.
“How can you even consider that? Have you seen me dance?”

“Any body with legs can dance. I know you'll learn. You look like a dancer even”

“No thank you”

“I’ll give you time to think about it” he said and walked into the class before I could reply.

I watched him till he went to meet Derrick at the back of the class.
I went in too and was greeted here and there by my classmates who were welcoming back after being out of school for a week.
Just a handful of people were in the class, some where still loitering in the hallways.

“Rhys and Segun. I would have never imagined” Gold shook her head and removed one of the air pods from her ear.

I rolled my eyes and sat on my seat. “We just bumped into each other”

Gold snorted.

“He doesn't stand a chance against E” Jake said seriously.

“Who is E?” I asked.

“Fair point” she agreed with Jake completely ignoring my question.

“Are you two just going to continue gossiping about me in my presence?”

Gold shrugged. “You can use my air pods if you don't want to listen to gossip” she offered.

“Good morning to you two” I snorted. “What are you listening to?” I collected one air pod from her.

Let’s kill this love
Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh
Let's kill this love!
Ram pa pa pa pa” she sang.

“Stupido. You could just said the title. I didn't know you were into k-pop”

“I didn't know you knew black pink too! You're a fan right?” she squealed. “I love Lisa most. And Jennie too. And Rosē. And Jisoo too. I think I _”

“Not a fan” I cut off her rambling. She stared at me like I just committed murder. “_but at least I don't hate them. That counts too right?”
I tried to appease but she didn't look impressed. “I’ve listened to a number of their songs together and even their solos. Lisa's Money was a hit, I've listened to Flower by Jisoo, Ice cream with all the girls featuring Selena Gomez, How you like that, is on my playlist too”

She grinned at me, or Jake I'm not sure. “She passed the awesome people's test. Any lover of Black Pink and BTS is awesome”

“Sup Rissa. How you doing ma nigga?” Bishop strolled into the class.

“What the hell? What's wrong with you?” I shook my head with a smile.

“I’m just happy to see you. Welcome back”

“Thank you, Bishop. The name is Rhys and not Rissa”

“I just wanted to rhyme Rissa and nigga” he shrugged. “Hi” he waved at Gold and then Jake.

“Abel is coming to school today, right?” I asked Jake.

“Yeah. His parents are back from their business trip so he won't be able to skip school under their watch”

“Davidson” Regina strolled into the classroom.

Everyone paused what they were doing and stared at her.

“How can I help you, senior Regina?” I asked mockingly.

“Nothing” she smiled sweetly at me. “Just wanted to remind you to stay away from Elijah that's all”

“Trust me, you don't need to tell me twice”

“We can put all of this drama behind us and actually go back to being friends”

I looked her up and down before I replied, “I think we'll be better off as enemies than friends”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Touche. Don't let me warn you again” she said and walked out.

Slowly the chatter in the class returned.

“It must be hard for Elijah. Having his girlfriend and buddy's sister fighting all the time” Jake said.

I threw him a dirty look. “Why should that even matter? It's not like we are friends or anything. Justin is the one who is his friend and not me”

“Did something happen last _” I shot Jake a deadly look and he shut up.

“Rhys, how far?” Yinka greeted as she entered the class.
She was with two other girls from our class.

“I’m fine. You?”

“I just dey” she shrugged.
I'm okay.

“Did you hear that Elijah broke up with Regina?” one of the girls asked Yinka loudly before she slapped her hand over her mouth.
Here slip up could get her into trouble.

But it was too late. Practically everyone in the class had heard her.

“Are you sure of that? You know you could get into trouble with Regina if it turns out to be a lie right?” the other girl asked.

“I’m sure of what I'm saying. I heard two senior girls talking about it yesterday in the restroom.

“Seems like Elijah is back into the labour market” Gold said to Jake nonchalantly.

“He is not. Regina is still going to be there in the shadows scaring off his suitors” Jake pointed out.

“Can we talk about something else?” I said.

“Have you found out what happened between Elijah and Justin?” Jake asked.

“No. And can we please not talk about anything Justin or Elijah related?”

“So you are part of the fight too. I'm wondering who will join next. Maybe Davis” Gold said.

“Nah. Davis is too cool for all of that drama” Jake added.

“True” Gold agreed.

“One more word about Justin, Elijah or Davis and this pencil will end up in your jugulars!” I defensively clutched my weapon of mass destruction.


This chapter is dedicated to natashapercy17

Thank you for your support sweetie.😘

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