15. Shawn to the Rescue

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I sighed and continued to stare at the buildings that we swiftly passed by. Shawn was on the phone, we hardly spoke since we got into the car. The conversation on the phone was dragging on for ages.

I drifted to my own thoughts and a pleased smile found its way to my lips as I replayed today's events in my head. Today was fun! Not just because of the activities but mostly because Shawn made it fun. There was another side of Shawn I got to see today.

Or maybe today was the first time I actually cared to see him in a different light. I frowned slightly at how I had been treating him since I set my eyes on him. I felt guilty but what could I do? It wasn't completely my fault that I did not want another father figure in my life.

I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut as I placed my head on the headrest.

He's different. I continued to chant in my head. But how sure was I? I couldn't remember much about my dad but I vaguely remember that he used to be so caring and always present in my life till one day when he disappeared and I and mom had to move away.

"Are you alright?" Shawn asked in concern.

I glanced at him and nodded. Oh right, he couldn't see me since he was driving. "Yeah, I'm fine"
I didn't notice when he had got off the phone.

"We should do this more often what do you think?" he asked and glanced at me with a smile on his face.

"Absolutely!" I agreed enthusiastically, surprising both of us. I giggled at a thought that just crossed my mind.

"What is making you laugh?"

"Nothing. Just thinking of the many ways GG is going to use to kill us the moment she finds out we are having fun and leaving her out"

Shawn chuckled, "That little brat. Your mom has spoiled her way too much for anybody's good"

I laughed heartily, "Yeah true but she's her mother's daughter after all"

"I couldn't possibly deny that fact. Up for some ice cream?"

"Sounds good for dessert" I nodded.

Thirty minutes later, Shawn drove into the gates of our house. He parked the car in front of the main entrance and grabbed the polythene bag that contained tubs of ice cream for everyone. Together we walked into the lounge.

"I thought you two were never coming" mom said and hugged me before pecking my cheek.

I just laughed.

Shawn kissed her forehead when she walked into his arms.

"How did your day go?" mom asked me while leaning on Shawn.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders while waiting for me to reply, an amused look on his face.

I thought for a while, "I had a lot of fun" with how I was feeling right now it would be a surprise if my eyes were not glowing with blinding light. Yeah that's a little exaggerated but I'm sure you get my point.

"Really?" she was very much pleasantly surprised and did not even try to hide it.

I just nodded happily.

"What magic did you work on Rhys Davidson?" she playfully asked Shawn.
I left both of them and started climbing up to my room.
I didn't hear whatever it was Shawn said to answer her question but I heard mom laugh.

Half way up the stairs I paused and turned to Shawn, "Thanks a lot for today, Shawn. I had a lot of fun with you"

He smiled at me, "I'm glad to hear that, sweetheart"

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