29. Unexpected

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07:17 AM

I had an eventful weekend and I was not really looking forward to Monday morning. I had a lot on my mind.
Mom still hadn't said anything to me about my biological father and everytime I tried to bring him up she would steer the conversation away from the topic.
Then there was Elijah's constant warnings about Regina. How was I supposed to hide away from her? I didn't plan to because is she was really after me, she will find me any way. It's not like the school has a plethora of places to even hide.

I closed my eyes and sighed.
I missed the days my life was a little less complicated.
I missed Kim, I missed Nancy, I missed my old life.
Junior year was supposed to be fun filled and a time to make the most memories with my two best friends.

I picked up my phone and decided to keep myself busy while Dan drove. I took a picture of my new pair of sneakers and uploaded it on my story. It was one of the gifts mom and Shawn got for me from their trip.

******The sneakers*****

“We are here” Dan informed me.

I snapped out of my daze and thanked him before exiting the car with my backpack.

I slipped my phone into the pocket of my backpack and made it to the gate. I was not using my favourite Chanel bag but a plain grey leather backpack. It was just as small as my Chanel bag.

I walked through the gates and surprisingly students were already in school this early. I rolled my shoulders and walked into my block.
A lot of students were staring at me and whispering among themselves but I was not even in the mood to pay heed to any of them.

If not for the meeting Gold scheduled for this morning, I would not be in school this early.

I took the stairs and with each step I took, I felt like running back home and telling mom I was sick or come up with any excuse that could keep me away from school.
I had a hunch something bad was coming.
Maybe I was just anxious because the meeting had something to do with Abel.
Everything felt so wrong and the stares did not make it any better.

For a second I almost turned around but somehow I gathered courage and continued climbing the stairs. I was not sure if it was courage or curiosity or plain stupidity.

I rolled my shoulders and shook my head a bit. When has Rhys Davidson ever backed out of anything? Never!
So, I wasn't going to back out now.

I reached the top of the stairs, I saw Elijah and some chick arguing about something before he looked up and our eyes locked.
The girl turned around and her eyes landed on me. She looked between me and Elijah and glared at me.

I turned away from them and headed for my class.


I turned around and came face to face with Brenda. “Can I help you?”

“I asked you to stay away from Blaise, didn't I?” she sassed.

“I honestly do not know what your deal is. I've not spoken to him in a week”

“Who are you trying to lie to? Do you really think the entire school is not aware of your sexcapades with Blaise and Elijah?”

“Excuse me?” I looked at her in utter shock. “Where is this even coming from?”

“Don’t you even dare act innocent!” she spat.

Someone from behind me tugged my hair with so much force that I almost fell down. I turned around to see who it was and I was met with a slap on my cheek.
My cheek burned from the impact and my left eye watered. She had narrowly missed hitting my eye.

“What the hell Brenda?!”

“That is for running after my boyfriend even when I clearly asked you to stay away!” she tried to hit me again but I caught her wrist, twisted it and slapped her with my free hand.

“You must be stupid to think that I'm after your boyfriend”

“Are you trying to deny that you two were not together during the weekend?”

“That doesn't mean I was fooling around with him”

She laughed sardonically, “So what are you going to say about the pictures?”

“What pictures?”

“Don’t you even dare pull that card on me cause it is not going to work on me”

“I honestly don't have the strength and time to spend arguing with you, right now. Whatever obsession you have with me, please try and work on it because it makes you nastier with each time we meet” I told her and walked away.

“How dare you talk to me like that?” she grabbed my hair again and a few people had to hold her and pry her hands open till she released my hair.

“Have you gone psycho?!” I yelled at her with tear filled eyes.
My cheek still stung as hell and my scalp was killing me. I made my hair just last weekend and it was still a little painful since it was new and she just had to make it worse.
My head pounded and I could feel blood pounding in my ears.

“Why don't you step closer and ask me that again” she challenged and tried to break free from the people holding her.

A wall suddenly moved and blocked my view of her.
I looked up at Elijah and almost burst into tears immediately.
“This is all your fault!”
That was a lie.
I just needed someone to blame for all of this.

“What is going on here?” a teacher appeared out of nowhere and demanded.

I let out a shaky breathe.

“It’s going to be fine” Elijah told me calmly.

I turned away from him and caught Brenda walking away with a smirk.
Blaise stood at one side, his eyes dead set on me. He shoved his hands inside his pocket and walked into his classroom.

I looked up at Elijah and he had his eyes on Blaise too before he turned to me.
“Are you alright?”

I nodded and wiped my tears.

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