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-Ray's online-

Ray: I'm having a queer crisis

-Emma's online-

Emma: Aren't we all these days?

Ray: No seriously I'm FREAKING OUT

Emma: Serious mode activated

Emma: What's wrong Ray?

Ray: I think I like someone

Emma: Romantically?

Ray: Romantically

Ray: And idk what to do about it

Ray: I've never like liked someone before

Ray: I mean I had a small crush on you when we were like 5, but that lasted less than a day.

Emma: I-

Emma: Okay

Emma: I'm going to ask u a question

Emma: And I'd like you to answer it honestly

Ray: Okay??

Emma: The person you like

Emma: Wouldn't happen to be Norman would it?

Ray: Oh uh

Ray: The specifics don't rly matter here.

Emma: Ray

Ray: ...

Ray: Yeah

Ray: I like Norman

Emma: I thought so

Emma: For how long?

Ray: Idk

Ray: I just realized less than an hour ago

Emma: An hour ago??

Emma: Damn, ur slow

Ray: IK

Emma: Well think back, there's obviously a reason why u've realized your feelings for him now

Ray: I hate you

Emma: U hate that I'm right?

Ray: Yes

Ray: I despise you

Emma: Start talking Ray

Ray: Fine

Ray: Relay this story to anyone and u can say goodbye to ur other ear.

Emma: Okie dokie


Ray: Okay okay

Ray: Remember that book recommendation I got off Norman the other day?

Emma: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell right?

Ray: Right

Ray: Well I've been slowly reading through it, and about halfway through there's a scene between the two love interests Simon and Baz.

Emma: I'm listening

Ray: Basically Baz has a mental breakdown and Simon kisses him to calm him down.

Emma: That's cute

Ray: Ikr?

Ray: Adorable

Ray: Except for the fact that the entire time reading it I was picturing Norman kissing me.

Emma: Oh wow

Emma: That's a little 💅


Ray: It's also REALLY BAD

Ray: I can't like one of my best friends, I mean I've LITERALLY known him my entire life.

Emma: Okay first off, you can absolutely like ur best friend.

Emma: Feelings are confusing af and appear when you least expect them to.

Emma: And besides, Norman's a literal sweetheart.

Emma: It'd make complete sense if you fell for him.

Ray: Ugh, I hate when u use that brain of yours.

Ray: Why do u gotta make a valid point?

Emma: 'Cause I can

Emma: U planning on telling him?

Ray: That I like him?

Ray: Hell nah

Ray: It's embarrassing enough talking to u about it as it is

Ray: And besides ik Norman doesn't feel that way for me

Emma: Oh rly?

Emma: U sure 'bout that?

Ray: Positive

Ray: Why?

Emma: No reason

Emma: But just think about it for a bit

Emma: Their might be some signs that prove you wrong

Ray: Like?

Emma: The compliments, the constant teasing u guys do, the check-ups w/ eachother when the others down, the fact he draws you, the nickname he gave you, I'm sure there's more.

Ray: ...

Emma: Oh, and ur the only one he sends hearts to, have u realized that?

Ray: U rly think

Ray: He likes me?

Emma: Trust me, if I were u I'd take the risk

Ray: ...

Ray: Has he told you something?

Emma: No not rly

Emma: Just a gut feeling

Emma: U should get some rest Ray, think it over a bit, I'll be here to support you either way

Ray: Thx, talk later

Emma: Yups, bye!

-Emma's offline-

Ray: ...

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