cσหƒεรร¡σห pт.2 ||ᴇᴍᴍᴀ & ɴᴏʀᴍᴀɴ

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-Emma's online-

Emma: Hey so

Emma: I think

Emma: I've figured something out

-Norman's online-

Norman: Figured what out?

Emma: I might just be overthinking it all

Emma: But I think I know who you like

Norman: Wait what??

Norman: Please tell me you're lying

Emma: I'm not

Emma: It's Ray isn't it?

Norman: ...

Norman: Please don't say anything to him

Norman: I really don't want to lose him

Emma: I'd never tell him anything unless you wanted me to

Emma: Why didn't you tell me this earlier?

Norman: I didn't know how you'd react?

Norman: We've all been friends for a long time, I didn't want to mess it all up over some little crush I'll probably get over in a month's time.

Emma: Norman

Emma: You've got to stop doing that

Norman: Doing what?

Emma: Pushing your feelings away? It's not healthy, and it's something you do all the time.

Emma: When ur sad you pretend ur fine

Emma: When ur angry you act as though you're the happiest ever.

Emma: You always hide it all away until it becomes too overwhelming and you break down.

Emma: All your emotions are valid bub <3

Emma: And that crush you have? Whether it lasts a week or a year, you have a right to talk to people about it and how it makes you feel

Emma: I mean, u've dealt with me ramble about Gilda multiple times; what kind of bff would I be if I didn't let you do the same.

Norman: Thank you Ems, you're the best you know that?

Emma: Of course I do 😎

Emma: But that's besides the point

Emma: How long have you liked Ray for?

Norman: A few months I think

Norman: At first I thought it was just admiration; I mean he's so smart, and funny and really really cute-

Norman: But obviously, turns out it wasn't admiration whatsoever

Emma: That happens lol

Emma: I thought the same thing about Gilda until recently

Emma: Do u intend to talk to Ray about these feelings?

Norman: I don't think I can

Norman: I mean, he came out as AroAce remember?

Norman: Doesn't that mean he doesn't feel romantic attraction towards anyone?

Emma: No not necessarily

Emma: Aromantic means little to no romantic attraction to others

Emma: And in the GC awhile back, he mentioned he rarely felt romantic attraction to others, but that he still experiences it

Norman: He did?

Emma: Did u rly forget?

Norman: I mean I was busy panicking about coming out as bi so...

Emma: Fair enough

Emma: But as I was saying!

Emma: There's still hope! But even if he doesn't feel that way; which is perfectly okay if he doesn't; he'd never push you away for having those feelings

Emma: He'd stay your friend no matter what

Norman: I don't know, I just don't want to make him uncomfortable

Emma: I know

Emma: And if it goes wrong it may be a little awkward for awhile

Emma: But everything will be okay in the end

Emma: I promise

Norman: Thanks Emma

Norman: It's getting late, so I'm heading offline now

Emma: Okay, rest well and don't stay up overthinking

Norman: No promises- goodnight

-Norman's offline-

Emma: Damn romance is a tricky road to navigate.

-Emma's offline-

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