Chapter 3

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Once we were all inside, Chan, Changbin, and Minho went to go shower off all the sand caking their bodies. Unfortunately, the shirt I had worn was just as dirty as they were so I was just standing around in my swimsuit. Chan's house was unusually cold so I opted to sit on the couch with the other boys. We struggled to pick a movie until Minho came out. He was surprisingly opinionated about what to watch. Eventually, we settled on watching a K-drama we had all already seen, but could agree was very interesting. After a while Chan and Changbin both came out, wearing matching pajama pants. They said they hadn't planned it, but it was too big of a coincidence.

After an episode most of the guys had fallen asleep. I knew it had to be late, but I was half asleep and too tired to get up. As I faded in and out of consciousness I felt something warm on top of me. A fuzzy blanket was being tucked under me as I laid there, comfortably warm even without my clothes. I glimpsed chubby cheeks looking at me. Then quickly looking away before I completely passed out.

I woke up to light streaming in from a window and hitting me directly in the eyes. Sitting up, I looked around and saw most of the boys still asleep. I wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and stood up, turning towards the kitchen. Chan was standing staring at his phone, when I groggily started to walk closer he looked up. A small smile graced his face as I sat down next to him. I let go of the blanket and stretched my arms up, yawning quietly. He quickly stood up straight and looked the opposite way. I was a bit confused until I remembered what I was wearing.

I quickly covered myself back up and said," Is there any way I can borrow a shirt?"

He nodded, still turned around. I got out of my seat and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked down at me and I saw how red his cheeks were. I smiled a little as I realized how sweet he was being. He awkwardly coughed and said in a choked voice," Follow me."

He led me down the hallway and to the room at the end of the hall. He opened his door and I saw his bed covered in a massive comforter. It took everything in me not to jump on the bed.

"Will this work", Chan said. I turned and looked at the black T-shirt he was holding. I gently slipped it over my head, I was drowning in fabric, but it was soft and comfortable. It also smelled amazing, with a warm and soft scent.

"Perfect," I said, smiling. I rewrapped the blanket around myself since it was still cold and started walking back out to the kitchen. Changbin was sitting at the kitchen counter when we walked back out and gave Chan a puzzled look.

"Nice shirt," Changbin said over his coffee mug. Chan ignored him but was blushing like a fool. Honestly, I couldn't blame him since I was trying very poorly to hide the same redness on my cheeks.

"I think I'll just head back to my place if that's cool with you," I said looking between the two boys. "I really need to shower."

"Of course, I'll walk you home," Chan offered. "Changbin will you be good here?"

"If that's code for 'will you watch the boys while I'm gone', then yes," Changbin replied as he began scrolling through videos on his phone. Chan smiled and led me to the door.

It was a colder day today, but still sunny. I regretted leaving my blanket at Chan's house.

"Did you enjoy last night's party," Chan quietly asks as you both slowly walk back. "I know the boys can be a lot sometimes."

"It was probably one of the best nights I've ever had," I admitted. "I haven't exactly had a close-knit friend group like that before and it was extremely refreshing. It was always just me and my brother, but we did have some fun times too."

Chan thinks for a minute then says," What was the best night of your life?"

I sigh deeply, closing my eyes and stopping for a second as we reach the steps leading up to my porch. I open my eyes and look up into Chan's. I think back to the moment we had in the kitchen, we were almost as close as we had been last night.

"When I was little my brother and I snuck out to go see a movie. I don't remember what the movie was anymore, but I do remember afterward we went and got frozen yogurt at one of those self-serve places. He let me get any topping and I was so excited. I hadn't had ice cream or froyo before so I was ecstatic. The sugar made me go a little crazy so afterward we went to a park and sat on the swings. We stayed there for a couple of hours, avoiding home and life. But while we were on those swings I was free of all the crap at home and school. I could just be myself. It was amazing. That was the best night of my life."

I looked back up at Chan. He had this look I couldn't quite read like a mix of concern, interest, and awe all mixed in one face. As I turned towards my door I heard him mumble something, but I couldn't make it out. I tried to ask him what he said, but he just brushed it off.

Once I opened the door I asked," Do you wanna stay over for a little while? I just need to shower really quickly. I can also give you your shirt back once I'm done."

He waved his hand and said," It's alright, it looks better on you anyway."

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks at the compliment and quickly blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Will you come over for dinner?"

I mentally face-palmed.

"You and the rest of the boys," I quickly corrected myself. "I figure I should probably invite you all over since I got to come over last night."

Chan smiled and crossed his arms, smirking slightly. "That sounds like a great idea, but are you sure you have enough food for everyone?"

Crap. He was right you barely had enough food in my pantry for me let alone eight boys. "I may have to stop at the store before tonight."

"Let's make it a date, we can go get some lunch then head to the store."

I immediately started blushing again, but Chan softly said," I think Changbin will want to join. He loves shopping."

I calmed down slightly at his words, but couldn't stop thinking about what he said.

"Sounds great, want to stop for food at IN's Mom's cafe?"

"Meet you there in an hour?"


I waved as he started down the beach back to his place. I closed the door and leaned my back against it, taking in a deep breath. What just happened? Chan had been so forward, usually, he was just as flustered as I was, but that was a completely different side to him. I continued pondering his actions, mildly overthinking everything he had said, and stressing about whether or not my cooking would be enough to satisfy the boys tonight.
Before leaving I made sure to shower and change my clothes, as well as do my hair and a little bit of makeup. I didn't want to look too dressed up so I stuck to a pair of shorts and a t-shirt I tucked up to make it appear like a crop top. Wearing Chan's shirt was tempting, but I didn't want Changbin to get the wrong idea again.

As I sat down on the couch, I realized my conversation with Chan made me think about someone else though. I pulled out my phone and wrote a long paragraph over text to my brother telling him how great my first day had been, that I was making new friends and that I couldn't wait to see him. Despite how long he had been away, I never stopped feeling close to him. He had protected me from so much in the past, now I felt obligated to help him in the future.

With roughly ten minutes left before I was supposed to meet up with the boys, I left for the cafe. 


Sorry about going on hiatus for a couple days, life got busy ://

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter 

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